De hockey et de blogues… Juste drôle.
Category: Technology
Tout le monde en parle
On me cite sur Le carnet techno de Radio-Canada, et on a même conservé le bout ou je parle de ‘l’esti de scrap’ qui se retrouve sur nos tablettes. Quelqun à vu quelque chose du coté de Québecor? On y cite aussi les points de vue de J-P Martineau, Marc et Sylvain. Moi je dit… Continue reading Tout le monde en parle
‘pod luv
hm.. faked, but oh so nice to imagine the little one in my hand…
on est pas fâché, mais ca nous dérange tous unpeu.
Un blogue pour Franco
je me suis retenue à 2 mains hier (essayez ça pour voir) après avoir lu la critique cinglante de Franco Nuovo envers les blogues et la blogosphère. Oui ca m’a ébranlé, mis en beau ci**** même. Mais bon, pourquoi j’en parlerais sur mon blogue, ce débat là – à quoi servent les blogues, pourquoi les… Continue reading Un blogue pour Franco
Poutine reçoit le gratin
L’empire Rappaz (inc) soutient son combat face à l’essor de l’empire M-C Turgeon inc. et met en ligne son bêtisier – Hommage à la bêtise médiatique universelle. “Le Bêtisier cherche à répertorier, avec votre aide, le plus grand nombre de bêtises des médias du monde entier.” Le journal de Montréal et La Presse y sont… Continue reading Poutine reçoit le gratin
SXSW oh soon!
I’ll be attending the upcoming SXSW festival along with Toine, Patrick and Dan from march 9th to 15th. I’ll start to post links to the events we plan to attend. If you would like me to blog specific content for your publication – blog or other – get in touch. Flickr,,, and… Continue reading SXSW oh soon!
Label into podcasting
Label (EMI) est une des première étiquette de disque à se lancer dans le podcast. 2 émissions par mois pour faire découvrir leurs nouveaux talents via des extraits, entrevues et des sessions live. Via Odiopod.
New York Magazine about Blogs
check it out here, + interesting timeline of the history of blogging.
Du bist Deutschland
le phénomène expliqué en français par Martin : La blogosphère germanophone en parle sans arrêt depuis l’automne dernier. “Du bist Deutschland” (l’Allemagne, c’est toi) est une campagne de pub sociale à grand déploiement qui défraie chroniques et manchettes à répétition. “Du bist Deutschland” est le groupe de mots parmi les plus recherché sur ce… Continue reading Du bist Deutschland
so OMG right now
here is where we are heading to. Are you? 2 years, 5 years? Crazy Multi-Input Touch Screen, via francisco.
Randonnée Nocture, blogue d’un chauffeur de taxi
Ben en reparle : blogue d’un chauffeur de taxi de Montréal.
Dior into blogging
Via Loic: After many brands in France such as Vichy, or Celio, Dior Plasticity launches its brand blog, with 12 guest bloggers who will test the product, coordinated by a well known french blogher, Sophie Kune.
State of the Blogosphere, February 2006
4 months after the last State of the Blogosphere report, here are some interesting facts taken from feb 6th and 14th reports: – Blogging and Mainstream Media continue to share attention in blogger’s and reader’s minds, but bloggers are climbing higher on the “big head” of the attention curve, with some bloggers getting more attention… Continue reading State of the Blogosphere, February 2006
Hello tomorrow – traditionnal media moving forward
Heiko just moved from Hamburg where he worked for Six Apart, to Munich where he now works for Hubert Burda Media. His job? Evaluate new opportunities brought by new web technologies, develop and shape ideas, explore technologies suited to push Hubert Burda Media further into the online world, reach new audiences and see how the… Continue reading Hello tomorrow – traditionnal media moving forward
TAKEAWAY: Festival of do it your self Media
Finally a geek workshop for non geeks. Would love to go but i’m afraid with SXSW in the same month this could be a little problematic. Not directly related, i have seen this book in Berlin and it looked quite interesting. A silent revolution is taking place. More and more people are transforming themselves from… Continue reading TAKEAWAY: Festival of do it your self Media
Turning podcasting into conversations
People interested in this topic should check out Julien’s blog where he explains the idea behind all this. This project could create a new use of podcasting, creating a real conversation between listeners, thus changing the way podcasting has been used up to today.
Vu d’ici podcast listeners
Vu d’ici listeners can now easily send me audio messages by visiting this Odeo link. Easy as 1-2-3.
I am always online
“I’m online all the time,” Nick, 22, a senior majoring in international studies and religion, told eMarketer. “I’ve got it on my cellphone; I go on in between classes. It’s always on.” eMarketer article about the use of social networking site by students.
m-c Mutek
Photo retrouvée en visionnant les photos de Mutek 2005 de Bandeapart sur flickr. Bap ont aussi maintenant un blogue hyperactif, et leurs pages en développement sur Myspace et Odeo.
Le podcasting est in quand…
Cité rock détente et radio Énergie ont leur podcasts… Nouveau répertoire dédié au podcasting francophone, dkpod.
Quelque chose de mieux que la St-Valentin à célébrer le 14 février
Aimez mieux, consommez moins! Voici quelques suggestions de petits cadeaux faits à la main pour la St-Valentin – achetez-les, ou bien créez les vôtres, inspirés des trouvailles ci-bas. L’important est avant tout de partager votre appréciation avec les gens qui sont chers à vos yeux, amoureux-amoureuse, votre famille ou des amis qui vous sont précieux.… Continue reading Quelque chose de mieux que la St-Valentin à célébrer le 14 février
Podcasting and iTunes
Technical Specifications, for those of you who could need this info.
The ultimate blogger’s kit
New Qc made podcast
So nice, you gotta hear 9 years old John talk about how he learned html and the first computer he used! The first podcast by Chris and John Campbell where we talk about beginnings such as computers we’ve used, the internet, early audio recording and the first day of school. It’s a casual chat between… Continue reading New Qc made podcast
Thoughts about blogging and podcasting
just found the following notes in a book left over for weeks: – blogs are giving space to emerging talents, giving them a window they would never have got otherwise – thus they are also giving space for experimentation and amateur content, amateurs being: 1- artists who took a different way than the usual academic… Continue reading Thoughts about blogging and podcasting
Hour article about podcasting
Check out an interview with Julien in this week issue of Hour. Not sure i am alright with the quote about me but hey, i’ve got something else to do. Indie rock and then some from a hip, web-savvy girl who calls the Plateau home I call Earth home, dear.
Audio recording device part II
Since the Iriver was not compatible with my powerbook, i have to find another small, handy, cheap but good device to record audio (from live shows and interviews). Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
‘A’ day: apple release the MacBook Pro
MacBook Pro with Intel processor. Watch the Keynote here.
Send to: Flickr
Shine is a new dance lounge located at 1337 Mission Street in San Francisco. Yep, that is Mission l33t! We have a photobooth that automatically loads pictures to Flickr for everyone to enjoy and share. See latest pictures from the photobooth here. (Via
Myspace angst
‘Angry members of MySpace, the personal file-sharing website for young adults, are accusing Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation of censoring their postings and blocking their access to rival sites. The 38 million subscribers to MySpace discovered that when they wrote to each other about rival video-swapping site YouTube, the words were automatically deleted, and attempts to… Continue reading Myspace angst
Local blogs: Luce Beaulieu
Some people are just born bloggers: not more than a week after the launch of her blog she already had more than 20 text entries posted. She’s now traveling in Thailand, blogging pictures and text – you can read her blog here, see her pictures here.
flickr + retrievr
Retrievr is a neat Flickr hack from System One that searches a database of images based on simple drawings rather than tags. via cc, via boingboing.
Retourne d’où tu viens… et pour ceux qui aiment jouer dans les parties
chez ben : trop drôle! chez fred-éric : hillarant!
À écouter ce soir
Le mercredi 4 janvier 2006 à 19 h sur le 95,1 FM (R-C) Info complète ici (via Gina)