Echo boomers documentary

Tellabs documentary about Echo boomers – or Myspace generation – is online featuring interviews with Montreal’s Mission District and myself. View full video (8 minutes). Also, in Podcast #62 i talk about my views on how new web technologies are changing the music industry.

Myspace Film

Myspace launch Myspace film, Like MySpace Music for bands, MySpace Film is a new section for filmmakers to network with industry and fans, as well as show off clips, trailers and short films. Check out the new MySpace Film section now and sign up if you’re a filmmaker!

I am always online

“I’m online all the time,” Nick, 22, a senior majoring in international studies and religion, told eMarketer. “I’ve got it on my cellphone; I go on in between classes. It’s always on.” eMarketer article about the use of social networking site by students.

Send to: Flickr

Shine is a new dance lounge located at 1337 Mission Street in San Francisco. Yep, that is Mission l33t! We have a photobooth that automatically loads pictures to Flickr for everyone to enjoy and share. See latest pictures from the photobooth here. (Via

Myspace angst

‘Angry members of MySpace, the personal file-sharing website for young adults, are accusing Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation of censoring their postings and blocking their access to rival sites. The 38 million subscribers to MySpace discovered that when they wrote to each other about rival video-swapping site YouTube, the words were automatically deleted, and attempts to… Continue reading Myspace angst

flickr + retrievr

Retrievr is a neat Flickr hack from System One that searches a database of images based on simple drawings rather than tags. via cc, via boingboing.

43 Things

Uh, there’s been a lot going on at 43things since i last logged in. Learn geography with me, see what i want to do, and people i want to meet.


Mon seul post de la journée se résumera à ceci, trouvé sur le blogue de Marc-André : Lu dans l’édition de juin 1971 du magazine contre-culturel québécois Mainmise : ” Tous les computers du globe, toute la science, toute la sagesse, toute l’expérience humaine deviendront accessibles à chaque individu. Chacun de nous pourra puiser à… Continue reading Émue

MySpace generation

They live online. They buy online. They play online. Their power is growing. Read the whole article here (via patrick).

On y trouve de tout

Je vous ai déjà parlé de ma fascination pour Wikipédia – et bien semblerait que la version québecoise-francophone de l’encyclopédie est appelée à grandir puisque j’y ai trouvé les pages de Guy A. Lepage (putain… Guy A. a sa page sur Wikipédia avant moi) ainsi qu’une page sur Pierre Bourgeault.

MySpace addiction

I typed ‘Myspace addiction’ in google just for, hm, yeah, for fun (how fun hm?). Anyways, check it out for yourself. No wonder this site is the most visited website right now. There’s like a party going on 24hrs a day. My space page is here.


For people wondering where to find me on the ugly+undesigned+shitlookinglike community site myspace – the answer is here.

Nokia Sensor

Socializing via nokia cellphones using bluetooth technologie – Nokia Sensor.

Save the iPod

not only the ipod itself is to be saved, but creators of technological innovations and new business model must be encouraged and supported in their creation and vision – not restricted or treated like thief. * save the ipod The mission of the Free Culture movement is to build a bottom-up, participatory structure to society… Continue reading Save the iPod

Flickr’n cool

Well, i might be 1284$ down, BUT i now have a second year pro account on flickr for free + 2 pro account to give away as a reward for buying a pro account when they were still beta. Read: I now have 2 pro account of flickr for sale. Price is 1284$ CAN.

Amazon feed

For when is it that amazon will implement rss links to their site, for example, to users Wish Lists?

Blogads reader survey

I dont have time to coment it right now – my bro’s coming in da town! – but you should have a look, quite interesting… * Blogads: reader survey for blog advertising

Le siècle des amateurs

Article fort intéressant de Michel publié dans Le Devoir du 14 mars portant sur l’impact de la culture de réseau grâce à laquelle il est maintenant rendu possible pour des ‘amateurs’ de participer plus activement que jamais à l’avancement technologique : ‘Ce qui est fascinant avec les nouveaux outils et l’arrivée d’Internet, c’est de constater… Continue reading Le siècle des amateurs

On me lis, donc je suis?

Théorie intéressante dans la Presse d’aujourd’hui sur l’homonumericus, ou personnage branché grâce à son cellulaire à toute heure du jours. “Le propre de notre société est l’individu certes, mais l’individu connecté” (…) L’individu actuel est incertain de lui-même, de sa performance, de son existence sociale. Il se cherche en permanence. Il est d’autant plus maître… Continue reading On me lis, donc je suis?

Social networking: 43 things

‘The seven-member group has created a Web community based on sharing personal goals and dreams with a worldwide audience. Its Web site, 43, invites people to list their goals and get information from other people who have done those things or want to. The free service has attracted a global following of 12,000 people… Continue reading Social networking: 43 things