Etsy, people who make a living making things

I was immensely inspired today by Etsy founder’s announce about new funding coming their way. Through his personal approach, his announce summarize how Etsy started, the details about the new investment, and where is the company heading to. I’m sharing here parts of this announce, which i found myself inspired by for two reasons: first… Continue reading Etsy, people who make a living making things

Bloguer pour réseauter

Voilà, c’est officiellement officiel, la nouvelle est sortie! L’ouvrage Pourquoi bloguer, dans un contexte d’affaires? auquel j’ai collaboré par mon chapitre “Bloguer pour réseauter” est disponible en pré-commande. Mon chapitre a été rédigé avec pour objectif d’inspirer les gens intrigués par le potentiel de réseautage des outils de blogues – je pensais à vous artistes,… Continue reading Bloguer pour réseauter

KIva – sponsor a business

“Kiva lets you connect with and loan money to unique small businesses in the developing world. By choosing a business on, you can “sponsor a business” and help the world’s working poor make great strides towards economic independence. Throughout the course of the loan (usually 6-12 months), you can receive email journal updates from… Continue reading KIva – sponsor a business

How flickr is born

For those of you who are interested, here are 3 minutes of an interview with the founder of flickr, explaining how flickr happened accidently, meaning it was not planned. Listen to the whole interview here. Created on Stars-of-the-Web

Planet MySpace

“…turning MySpace into a global power could be far more complicated than marketing a movie overseas. While the company has 100 million registered users, most are in the United States. People outside the United States already have different habits about socializing online.” Online globalisation – MySpace wanna be everyone’s online space, from Japan to Germany… Continue reading Planet MySpace


This picture was taken last week after we’ve been attending the first Casecamp event in Montreal. A bunch of marketing people around me, i could have felt at the wrong place – but no, listening to case studies from people working in a different field then mine was quite inspiring and it got us to… Continue reading Casecamp


A new and interesting platform for micropaiement: Join the indieKarma network and add one dollar to your account (for the first 5000 accounts, this dollar is free). Each time you visit a website or blog on the indieKarma network, your account is seamlessly debited just one cent. It’s the smallest of micro-payments, directly supporting the… Continue reading IndieKarma

flickr Gamma

It feels strange when one of your favorite, see the site where you spend most of your time, changes its layout. It feels like someone reconfigured my bedroom and i am trying to find my way in it, its not really comfortable anymore – i must get used to it again. Flickr turned Gamma today,… Continue reading flickr Gamma

Ile sans fil meeting tonite

For those interested, Chris will be giving a short presentation at tonite ISF meetup about the Meshcube and his experiences with wireless LAN meshed networks. 19h. Restaurant Modigliani, 1251 rue Gilford Metro Laurier + autobus 27 saint-joseph, arrêt De Laroche + marche vers le sud, tourner à droite à guilford jusqu’au 1251.

Flickr referal

Someone knows how to find a link refering to a flickr page? This picture on my flickr account gets hundreds of view per hour, but there’s no way to find where these hits are coming from.

SXSW oh soon!

I’ll be attending the upcoming SXSW festival along with Toine, Patrick and Dan from march 9th to 15th. I’ll start to post links to the events we plan to attend. If you would like me to blog specific content for your publication – blog or other – get in touch. Flickr,,, and… Continue reading SXSW oh soon!

Quelque chose de mieux que la St-Valentin à célébrer le 14 février

Aimez mieux, consommez moins! Voici quelques suggestions de petits cadeaux faits à la main pour la St-Valentin – achetez-les, ou bien créez les vôtres, inspirés des trouvailles ci-bas. L’important est avant tout de partager votre appréciation avec les gens qui sont chers à vos yeux, amoureux-amoureuse, votre famille ou des amis qui vous sont précieux.… Continue reading Quelque chose de mieux que la St-Valentin à célébrer le 14 février

Belle montée de lait

Peu de nouvelles dans les dernières 24 heures ici d’dans, mais attention, ca en valait le coup si ce n’est que pour faire une montée de lait contre l’imbécillité humaine. Une amie m’écrit ce soir pour me dire qu’on a kidnappé son blogue en le citant comme exemple sur un site commercial sans son autorisation.… Continue reading Belle montée de lait

The perfect PDA

I am looking for the perfect tool to send and receive phone calls and emails, surf the web and take relatively good pictures. I am with Fido and i dont want to change my phone number again. Oh, and bluetooth is a must. Treo? Blackberry? advices welcome!

Flickr Printing

am i late or early on this? Flickr now offer print services to US members. Still, some options are left for people outside US, such as create a DVD of one of your sets (useless i think – i would prefer a way to create a dvd of the whole content i have on flickr),… Continue reading Flickr Printing

Belle semaine pour investir dans des bottes de pluie. Et si on achetait tous des chaussures issues du commerce équitable? Félicitations à l’équipe de, ‘le carrefour du consommateur responsable’ qui vient tout juste de faire son entrée sur le web. La principale caractéristique du site est son moteur de recherche qui, comme Google, trouve… Continue reading

Google Blog search

Au moment où l’on apprend que les blogues ont connu une augmentation de 120 % en six mois (j’exagère même pas), Google lance son engin de recherche exclusivement pour les blogs : essayez le par ici, et tapez ‘m-c’ juste pour tester..

mp3 AND m4a format

To make everyone happy, i will now give you my podcasts in 2 format: m4a and mp3. The m4a format works well on itunes and support chapters, pictures and web adresses. Mp3 format works on everything but doesnt support chapters and pictures. * Suite aux demandes reçues dans les derniers jours, je vais maintenant offrir… Continue reading mp3 AND m4a format

Wiki wed picts

Ok oufff, 2 minutes pour souffler. Depuis que j’ai lancé meïdia ya 2 semaines, je passe le clair de mon temps à rencontrer des gens, répondre à des questions, brasser des idées. C’est comme un re-shuffle constant. Mais c’est du gros fun. Je rencontre pleins de gens passionnés et intéressants. Plus de nouvelles plus tard… Continue reading Wiki wed picts