Great weblog

First, if you’r a designer, or someone sensitive to typography, grids, crispy stylesheets and nice content, well, this site is worth a visit: What Do I know Also, if you want to visit other nice weblogs, i think you might like Witold Riedel‘s site , a german guy living in new york. Also check his… Continue reading Great weblog

About life transitions…

As i was reading “the career guide for creative and unconventional people” (actually i was more stepping from one section to the other), I found out something i would have like to read last january when i found myself in a existential crisis.. (once more..)


On the 21th of april was launched CreativeDay* The website is done in a interview way, so that everybody can be interviewed and read other people’s interviews online. The topic? Creativity. How do people use creativity in their day to day life, what inspire them, how is their creativity helping/supporting/challenging people around them? The website… Continue reading CreativeDay*

Categorized as Projects

Some of the books i have read in the last year…

Julia Cameron, The vein of gold the artist’s way Paulo Coelho, By the river piedra i sat down & wept The Alchemist Nancy Huston, Slow Emergencies Shakti Gawain, Creative Visualization Sark, Succulent wild women Inspiration sandwich Sabrina Ward Harrisson, Brave on the Rocks Spilling open Stefen Nachmanovitch, Free play Bjork, The Book Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa,… Continue reading Some of the books i have read in the last year…

Why worry about money

Why worry about money, a mail to m-c from mel. This is a email i got from my friend mel, after that she received a mail from me where I was writing about all the money issues i had when i left my job and all the anxiety that came with that choice (which was… Continue reading Why worry about money

My own definitions…

My Wordbook From time to time, I like to study the meaning that some words have for me and to refresh some old values. I realize now how some words got such a negative meaning to me and I need to “clear off the closet” of old patterns to bring in new, sunny, positive meanings… Continue reading My own definitions…

Creative overdose…

The last days were awesome. I start to realize the positive impact of not working full time in a agency, and yes, it feels good. Yes, there are hard times, but also in agency i got periods of really high stress which were far away of being healthy. I think being your own boss, you… Continue reading Creative overdose…

Written and Illustrated by

Written and Illustrated by : A Revolutionary Two-Brain Approach for Teaching Students How to Write and Illustrate Amazing Books This is a interesting concept about how to use the 2 sides of the brain in creating stories (writing and illustrating them). I didnt kept the book, but found a lot of information about how to… Continue reading Written and Illustrated by