How to cook everything vegetarian

Best find

[igp-video src=”” poster=”” size=”large”] Such a good find, something like the bible for vegetarians and wanna be vegetarians. So far, i tried 4 or 5 of the recipes which were all simple and, yum, generously tasty! I’d give it 4 stars out of 5! [igp-likes] Likes



[igp-video src=”” poster=”” size=”large”] [igp-likes] Likes

Pourquoi être heureux quand on peut être normal

Pourquoi être heureux quand on peut être normal

Un bouquin qui remet les pendules à l’heure, permet un regard en arrière sur les dégâts générationels engendrés par le dogme de l’église catholique. Les névroses de nos grand-mères n’arrivent peut-être pas à la cheville de celles de Mme Winterson, n’empêche que notre histoire, celle nos ancêtres, est parfois bien sombre et laisse une trainée macabre derrière nous. À lire.

Réussir son Hypermodernité

Une lecture rapide du mois d’août. Est-ce par intuition que j’ai eu envie de lire ce livre, en tout cas, il est arrivé pile dans ma vie. Un mois avant le décès de papa. Cet ouvrage, c’est en fait un mémoire déguisé : l’auteur s’est caché derrière le vouvoiement du narrateur, mais on le pardonne… Continue reading Réussir son Hypermodernité

Vita & Virginia

Vita & Virginia, Simone & Nelson. Chassé croisé de bouquins choisis au hasard. #jelistoujours5livresenmemetemps

Finding your voice

This, friends, is a precious tool/companion. An inspiring piece i return to and re-read once a year, or when i feel in need of strength. Natalie Goldberg, Writing down the bones.


Introspective, lively, filled with Linda Bary’s creatures, questions, interrogations, tips and tricks and memories, as if we were sharing her universe for a short while.

Fire Starter

Il y a tellement d’intensité et d’intention dans ce livre, et son titre est juste: Danielle Laporte met le feu. Il est rare qu’un livre déclenche en moi l’envie d’arrêter ma lecture et de bondir de ma chaise pour passer à l’action. The Artist Way l’a fait dans le passé, et je crois que les… Continue reading Fire Starter


Je lis, je dévore, j’aime ce livre. Publié en 1965, il a un rythme soutenu mais lent, on se laisse bercer par cette vie qui défile entre les pages. STONER, par John Williams.

Grandes aventurières

Elles ont conquis le monde – Les grandes aventurièes 1850-1950. Parmis mes lectures… à défaut d’être içi et non pas à cheval dans la brousse…

How to be an explorer of the world

Newly found friendship with Keri’s latest jem, How to be an explorer of the world, Portable life museum. I love how the book’s different tasks, not to say missions, are taking me far away from my straight, linear thinking, bringing me exactly where i most need to be, all senses ON, absolutely-and-totally-in-the-moment, ready to embrace… Continue reading How to be an explorer of the world

The Possibility of an Island

I don’t know why, but I picked up that book during our last trip to NYC… I did not know the author nor the title. But it turned out to be an excellent book and I immediately ordered more books from the french writer Michel Houellebecq. I especially loved the mixture of philosophy, futurism and… Continue reading The Possibility of an Island

Spring reading list

Spring coming, best time for new beginnings, time to put in action resolutions which you forgot about on the second day of the year! On the list of things which i am looking forward to is first to finish to read a pile of books, so i can order new ones (!). I’m looking forward… Continue reading Spring reading list


Problems Men Started – This is a note to myself to check out the book, with such a title I’m eager to get to know its content… blink!

Rudolf Steiner

The Austrian philosopher and writer Rudolf Steiner (born 1861) was one of the most original thinkers of the twentieth century. His writings cover a wide range of subjects, and he made valuable and influential contributions in many fields, including education, science, medicine, and social reform. The foundation of his researches was the “science of the… Continue reading Rudolf Steiner

At Eighty-two, May Sarton

I met May Sarton through her last book, a diary from her 82nd year. I discovered that she let behind about 10 other diaries, and the book from which i heard most often of her, Journal of a Solitude. I love diaries, i feel so lucky to be able to get into someone else’s life,… Continue reading At Eighty-two, May Sarton


I’ve been doing yoga since 2001. At that time i was living in hamburg, germany, and went to a session of Kundalini Yoga suggested to me by a friend. Since then, doing yoga has been the best way i found to calm down, and most of all, to get back to what i could call… Continue reading Exploring

Wreck this journal

It is a new experience for me to get one of my favorite author’s book just when it’s hitting the stands, while at the same time i can read on the author’s blog all the excitement she felt from having her work out. I did not know what to expect from Wreck this journal, until… Continue reading Wreck this journal

Made to Stick

Why do some ideas thrive while others die? And how do we improve the chances of worthy ideas? Highly creative types for sure have many ideas a day. Which ones are good, which ones will you decide to focus your energy on, which ones will you bring up to this world? This is basically up… Continue reading Made to Stick


When I was living in Germany, I had a subscription for the fabulous german magazine Brand Eins. By reading the magazine for 2 years, it changed my mind not only once. I learned so much from the well-written and critical articles about economy, society and psychology. It was one of my most important sources of… Continue reading Success

Free culture, free audio

The audio version of the book Free Culture is available, for free, on the in-der-net. Get it here, stream or download. Via Nicolas.

Stop everything now

I stood up in my first grade class and said, “Do these chairs have to be in row? Can we put them in a circle, or sit on the floor?” The answer was no, and i began to hide my creative thinking. I also began to invent illnesses so i could stay home from school… Continue reading Stop everything now

Orbiting the giant hairball

If you are a creative, stuck into the corporate world, this book my help you finding your way to happiness without having to leave your job. Pour tout les multis de la terre qui me lisent et qui sont pris dans un moule appelé le 9 à 5, dans une boite invisible mais bien réelle,… Continue reading Orbiting the giant hairball


I have received today a bunch of books i’ve ordered lately. The second book by Lynne Franks, Grow, has finally arrived. The book looks gorgeous, as the previous one, The Seed Handbook. The dimensions are the same, and it is illustrated by the same previous illustrator. I went trough the Seed Handbook many times, since… Continue reading Grow