Post voyeurisme

Dunno what’s happening, but my rss reader – NetNewsWire – is acting weird. Now i can see all changes that are made to a post between the first publication and the ones done afterwards. New stuff in green, and removed words in red like this. I have a little voyeur feeling here – do they… Continue reading Post voyeurisme

juste de blog

‘Connais tu untel toi?’ ‘oui, mais juste de blog’ … Bout de conversation avec antoine, qui démontre assez bien à quel point le blog est maintenant présent dans nos habitudes de vie.

Blogues et journalisme

Martine reviens du congrès de la FPJQ ou elle a animé un atelier ayant pour but de familiariser les journalistes avec le monde des blogues. Je me doutais bien de la situation des médias au québec concernant le phénomène des blogues, et martine le souligne bien sur son billet. Les médias trainent de la patte,… Continue reading Blogues et journalisme

Why i love typepad

…because, my content is so well indexed, that somehow 50% of my visitors are coming from google. See for yourself – searching for these topics, i get listed in the fist 10 links: – iTune Canada – Datarock – Dumas, J’errre – Arthur Russell And these are just a few… Comme dirait Antoine, j’ai créé… Continue reading Why i love typepad

xmas buyings – wifi detector

There aren’t any really nice ones out yet, beside the hotspot bloom (which of course i would love to put my hands on…). Future Shop is selling the Canary Wireless for 30$ right now, i might go for it. Went there on lunchtime, they only have the kensington one.

What’s a blog

According to Merriam-Webster’s: Blog noun [short for Weblog] (1999) : a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer (found on j-p cloutier‘s blog)

When fiction meets reality

The Microsoft Corp. chairman receives 4 million e-mails a day, but practically an entire department at the company he founded is dedicated to ensuring that nothing unwanted gets into his inbox Mouin, cette nouvelle, pourtant vraie, me semble tout droit sortie de Microserfs que je suis en train de lire, et j’ai comme pas de… Continue reading When fiction meets reality

Blogtalk 3.0 – Montreal?

***** UPDATE A wiki page has been set up to help support the idea of a weblog conference in mtl, international or not, blogtalk or not. Might you be interested in the topic, you can see it evolving at the following url: * Montreal social softwarer conference ***** As Heiko pointed, there wont be a… Continue reading Blogtalk 3.0 – Montreal?

Un blog pour les sans-abris + un nouveau hotspot

via françois : Le projet Homeless Archive vise à permettre aux gens n’ayant pas la chance d’avoir recours aux nouveaux moyens d’expression et de communication de partager leur exprérience quotidienne avec la planète. (…) √éle Sans Fil participera à la mise sur pied de ce service à Montréal. Au cours de la semaine prochaine, le… Continue reading Un blog pour les sans-abris + un nouveau hotspot

Montreal Bloger Sexy Calendar

Vous avez bien lu. Je vous disais qu’il se passe des trucs étrange sur msn.. Antoine me suggérait cet après midi même de financer yulblog avec un calendrier ‘Montreal Bloger Sexy Calendar’… Ben quoi? Les pompiers le font ben eux..

Thunderbird vs Mail

Anyone has given it a try? Thunderbird 0.9 is Mozilla’s next generation e-mail client. Thunderbird makes emailing safer, faster, and easier than ever before with the industry’s best implementations of features such as intelligent spam filters, a built-in spell checker, extension support, and much more. * Thunderbird

Spectropolis – NY

Spectropolis: Mobile Media, Art and the City is a three-day event (October 1-3, 2004) in Lower Manhattan that highlights the diverse ways artists, technical innovators and activists are using communication technologies to generate urban experiences and public voice. The increasing presence of mobile communication technologies is transforming the ways we live, construct and move through… Continue reading Spectropolis – NY

Podcasting – the new buzz

Here is something we’ll all get sick of reading/hearing about in the next weeks (if not already) – but we might as well find it way cool: What is the iPodder application? iPodder is a media aggregator which automatically downloads podcasts to your computer or portable device based on a RSS feed, leaving you ‘one-click-away’… Continue reading Podcasting – the new buzz

1.5% instant reward on amazon.. good to know

For those of you who are (compulsively) buying on amazon on a regular basis, here is something you might wanna know: …since you’ve been using recently, virtually everything at is automatically an additional π/2% (1.57%) off for you. Collecting this discount is zero effort on your part. It will be applied automatically at… Continue reading 1.5% instant reward on amazon.. good to know

Print my blog

some time ago, Antoine and i were discussing how cool it would be to be able to print out book versions of our blogs. We discussed how to develop the idea but never went further. Someone else did it, let’s see how well it works…

Radio Blog

I also wanna do my own radio blog mixes. Can anyone let me know how it does work -seems like working only on pc’s… Some people seems to have their mixes available for donwloads (uh, 90 mb download is kindof fat), others seems to have it streamed. I’m lost. ps: pms almost over – i… Continue reading Radio Blog


Découvert via Alex Lauzon : C’est quoi le podcasting (ou iPodcasting)? C’est une méthode de diffusion d’émissions de radio qui utilise un fil RSS pour publier les nouvelles émissions. Un logiciel spécialisé comme iPodderX télécharge sur un ordinateur les fichiers référencés par le fil rss et les redirige vers iTunes pour ensuite les transmettre au… Continue reading podcasting


Following antoine’s post about msn nicknames, here’s an entry i wrote a while ago but never posted, with all the nicknames i have been using lately using instant messaging: an ipod a day i want my own ipod bloggers unite! tonite 20h keane crush Send me shivers a sudden rush One with the freaks everybody’s… Continue reading Nicknames-o-mania

On aime de plus en plus ca

Comme antoine écrit sur son blog, le phénomène du blog commence à faire jaser les médias québecquois. En retard vous direz? Vaut mieux tard que jamais je vous répondrai. La tendance de l’heure consiste à documenter sa vie. Nous sommes en train de devenir des archivistes instantanés de notre vie.   En un an, les blogues… Continue reading On aime de plus en plus ca

Lili Rose’s blog

Félicitation à lili rose qui a mit son blog en ligne ce weekend. Une autre belle recrue pour la blogosphère québecquoise! I think I’m gonna discuss about what I love: creativity, books, chocolate, jewels, art, multimedia and so on… I’m gonna discuss about things that I hate: my job (for now), my job and my… Continue reading Lili Rose’s blog