Google Earth for mac

Google Earth is now available on Mac – Welcome to the future: get out of the usual 2 dimension format, zoom in and out of continents, cities, turn your planet upside down. You can even shake it if you like. Me having BIG fun.

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Traveler(s): MARIECHANTALE TURGEON Montreal-Trudeau International Airport (YUL) to Amsterdam-Schiphol (AMS) Thursday, February 2 Depart: Montreal-Trudeau International Airport (YUL), February 2 6:00 PM EST Arrive: Amsterdam-Schiphol (AMS), February 3 6:50 AM CET Amsterdam-Schiphol (AMS) to Hamburg Fuhlsbuettel (HAM) Friday, February 3 Depart: Amsterdam-Schiphol (AMS), February 3 10:00 AM CET Arrive: Hamburg Fuhlsbuettel (HAM), February 3 11:10… Continue reading RESERVATION SUMMARY

Retour sur la conférence Lesblogs 2.0 : Mal du pays

Mon retour au Québec m’a fait beaucoup réfléchir. En fait, c’est plus le fait de partir pour ensuite revenir ici qui me fait réfléchir. Sortir de mon petit monde m’a fait découvrir des choses que je ne pouvais concevoir tant que je ne les avait pas vues et vécues. Difficile de verbaliser tout ça sans… Continue reading Retour sur la conférence Lesblogs 2.0 : Mal du pays

Post conference

Following my post about Mena’s speech at Les Blogs, here you can access the full text version of her speech followed by more thoughts on the topic: ‘The majority of people in the world aren’t blogging yet, and a lot of them could truly benefit from this form of communication. We want them to be… Continue reading Post conference


4h00 am in paris. last day of the conference, last full day in paris tomorrow. all is well, beside that once again, i felt for someone who’s living far away. There’s something wrong with my karma, could anyone fix it? What’s the thing with me and German boys, please anyone fix this karma NOW.

Les blogs notes

– blogging gives freedom (for artists) – blogging breaks hierarchy – bloggers can be or are brands – blogs are online personnas, id’s (that’s what i think since 2 years, i thought everyone knew about that) – see the web as people, readers respect bloggers they read, – shift in economy to a ‘participan economy’… Continue reading Les blogs notes

En feu dans la ville lumère, 2ème partie

Les gens sont en feu. La conférence n’est même pas commencé que flickr est remplis de photo. Pensée : quelqun me parlait hier d’un mouvement de ‘contre-culture’ ou les gens après avoir documenté leurs vies à l’extrème vont décider de cesser toute forme d’archivage d’information sur leurs vies ou événements.

Nites out in Paris

Need advices about where to go out in Paris – nice coffees and bars so we can see what are french people at. I’ll be staying around Le Marais.

Flash Earth

Best.trip.ever my nose is sticked on my screen since 43 minutes now. best geographical class ever.

Categorized as Travels


I’ve been out for lunch with Crissi, a friend i have met while living in hamburg (can’t remember how we met, if it was because of my blog…). She was kind enough to welcome me for some days in her flat in berlin’s prinzlauerberg (i think this is the young and hip plateau of berlin)… Continue reading Mtl-Berlin

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Far away so close

Some user on flickr asked people to post a picture of the view from their window. People are posting from Montreal, Stockholm, Tokyo, country side, city side, Australia – and it keeps on growing. Get in and travel ’round the world for free, for fun: View from the window pool on flickr.

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I love Berlin

and i learned today that there is now a Metroblogging Berlin.

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He is back from Asia – His pictures just woke up da devil inside me. I do need to travel soon – it f***g URGES me inside –

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World Wide Panorama

It’s way too cold to stay here when you can afford to have your mind traveling somewhere else: * WWP Map – Global view

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da german side

My friend Andrew‘s gonna hit mtl next friday, as you already know, he’s gonna be living in mtl for 2 months and i am oh so excited about it – andrew and i met while i was living in hamburg, he is a designer as well. So yeah, we’ll have to rock the place with… Continue reading da german side

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Wooster Collective

COLLECTIVE \Col*lect”ive\: done by or characteristic of individuals acting together; “a joint identity”; “the collective mind”; members of a cooperative enterprise WOOSTER: a street in Soho, New York A real nice discovery which might lead me to hours of browsing this weekend – or picture taking. Either way, this idea is way cool: * Wooster… Continue reading Wooster Collective

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Poland has never been so close – well – a click away from you. * Europe for Kids – POLAND

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2 new picture albums

I have uploaded 2 new picture albums: * victo on the beach – pictures i took on my last trip to my hometown * canal lachine – pictures i took last week while a long bike ride along canal lachine in montreal all for now.

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