Tout le monde en parle 2

ahhhh bahhhh blublublublublu… (ce billet est la suite de cette entrée) 1. rien, mais rien compris le gars. Humblement dire ‘je ne comprend pas le phénomène, quelqun peut m’expliquer? aurait été beaucoup plus sage que de relancer les ‘blogueurs’ (ah! qu’ils sentent mauvais en plus ces blogueurs!) Super, maintenant on verra apparaître la blogueurophobie; 2.… Continue reading Tout le monde en parle 2

Du bist Deutschland

le phénomène expliqué en français par Martin : La blogosphère germanophone en parle sans arrêt depuis l’automne dernier. “Du bist Deutschland” (l’Allemagne, c’est toi) est une campagne de pub sociale à grand déploiement qui défraie chroniques et manchettes à répétition. “Du bist Deutschland” est le groupe de mots parmi les plus recherché sur ce… Continue reading Du bist Deutschland

Dior into blogging

Via Loic: After many brands in France such as Vichy, or Celio, Dior Plasticity launches its brand blog, with 12 guest bloggers who will test the product, coordinated by a well known french blogher, Sophie Kune.

Hello tomorrow – traditionnal media moving forward

Heiko just moved from Hamburg where he worked for Six Apart, to Munich where he now works for Hubert Burda Media. His job? Evaluate new opportunities brought by new web technologies, develop and shape ideas, explore technologies suited to push Hubert Burda Media further into the online world, reach new audiences and see how the… Continue reading Hello tomorrow – traditionnal media moving forward

TAKEAWAY: Festival of do it your self Media

Finally a geek workshop for non geeks. Would love to go but i’m afraid with SXSW in the same month this could be a little problematic. Not directly related, i have seen this book in Berlin and it looked quite interesting. A silent revolution is taking place. More and more people are transforming themselves from… Continue reading TAKEAWAY: Festival of do it your self Media


You need conversation. In practically every field of artistic endeavor, we see success stories grounded in artists who engage in some form of conversation with their audience. JMS kept Babylon 5 alive by hanging out on fan newsgroups. Neil Gaiman’s blog is built almost entirely on conversing simultaneously with thousands of readers. All the indie… Continue reading Converse

TV is out too

Hey kids, TV is definitely out. Four Eyed Monsters is one of my favorite vlog – i honestly much prefer watching these guy than turning my cable TV on. What’s wrong? Blogging gave written medias the worse headaches ever (circa 2002-2003). Podcasting made us realize how commercial radio is poor, and that there is a… Continue reading TV is out too


Mon seul post de la journée se résumera à ceci, trouvé sur le blogue de Marc-André : Lu dans l’édition de juin 1971 du magazine contre-culturel québécois Mainmise : ” Tous les computers du globe, toute la science, toute la sagesse, toute l’expérience humaine deviendront accessibles à chaque individu. Chacun de nous pourra puiser à… Continue reading Émue

Post conference

Following my post about Mena’s speech at Les Blogs, here you can access the full text version of her speech followed by more thoughts on the topic: ‘The majority of people in the world aren’t blogging yet, and a lot of them could truly benefit from this form of communication. We want them to be… Continue reading Post conference

Les blogs notes

– blogging gives freedom (for artists) – blogging breaks hierarchy – bloggers can be or are brands – blogs are online personnas, id’s (that’s what i think since 2 years, i thought everyone knew about that) – see the web as people, readers respect bloggers they read, – shift in economy to a ‘participan economy’… Continue reading Les blogs notes

Les blogs 2.0 – podcasting and vlogging panel

notes: – woah, someone’s teaching vbloging in college – notion of speach enabling blogs – 3G = multimedia devices – vlog and podcasts creators want to create content, get attention, share content, express themselves – emotional and spontaneous content – publisher vs amateur publisher – text recognitions into podcast and vlog – capture content –… Continue reading Les blogs 2.0 – podcasting and vlogging panel

Les Blogs – thoughts

– Blogs build bridges between communities (and different cultures) – Understand the blogosphere, trust the transparence – blogs are driven by passion and authority – we need more people to bring blogs to ‘normal’ people – behind all products are people; consumers now want to talk with these people (commercial aspect of blogging, conversation with… Continue reading Les Blogs – thoughts

En feu dans la ville lumère, 2ème partie

Les gens sont en feu. La conférence n’est même pas commencé que flickr est remplis de photo. Pensée : quelqun me parlait hier d’un mouvement de ‘contre-culture’ ou les gens après avoir documenté leurs vies à l’extrème vont décider de cesser toute forme d’archivage d’information sur leurs vies ou événements.

Les Blogs

The conference is starting tomorrow. Tonite some of the conference participants are heading to the Lizard Lounge (infos here). It will be possible to reach me live from the conference for the time i’ll be online on IM ( All pictures from the participants are tagged ‘lesblogs’ and can be seen here. Weeee!


A concept i had in mind on which we exchanged me and patrick yesterday evening is about giving a good friend your blog access to delete malicious comments in the case you wouldn’t be available to do so. For exemple, i know that Antoine has my blog pw and username, and i know he is… Continue reading Sparekey


As part of its Online Evolution special report, is asking several Web and Internet pioneers for their thoughts on the impact and future of the Internet. An interview with Mena Trott

They use the web to create and get content

See the BBC coverage here. American teenagers today are utilizing the interactive capabilities of the internet as they create and share their own media creations. Fully half of all teens and 57% of teens who use the internet could be considered Content Creators. They have created a blog or webpage, posted original artwork, photography, stories… Continue reading They use the web to create and get content

Inside the blogs – les blogues dans la culture américaine

i got my first encouter with the Inside the blogs report on CNN – with Abbi Tatton, the ‘internet reporter researches and reports on Web logs and general Internet content for CNN’s afternoon program’. * La chaîne d’information CNN offre maintenant une couverture de l’information qui circule dans les blogues sur leur bulletin de nouvelles… Continue reading Inside the blogs – les blogues dans la culture américaine