“Une étude des Nations Unies identifie l’industrie de la viande comme étant l’une des principales causes du changement climatique : l’élevage de masse est en effet responsable de 18% des émissions de gaz à effet de serre, avec 7 milliards de tonnes par an !” «En évitant la viande, vous faites plus pour l’environnement qu’en… Continue reading Vivienne Westwood sous la douche!
Category: Green log
Officina gel vert
100% naturel, non testé sur les animaux, fait au Québec : mon produit du moment, le gel vert de la marque officina.
Res/Rei Eyewear
My new frames will be made in Italy, with love! When in London last august, i stopped by McClintock‘s to try some frames, one of them being the Nerone by Res/Rei, which i haven’t heard of before. At first i did not think the frames fitted me well, but i took a picture of myself… Continue reading Res/Rei Eyewear
Herboristerie 101
Pour ceux d’entre vous qui sont aussi emballés que moi par l’herboristerie, j’ai déniché des vidéos où l’on peut voir les gens de La Clef des Champs, un producteur local de thés et tisanes à bases de plantes médicinales.
Otite et cie
À nouveau sur le dos. Mon corps a craqué, cette fois ce sont les oreilles qui me font souffrir. Au moment d’écrire ceci, j’ai l’intérieur des oreilles tellement enflé que je suis sourde comme un clou – je n’entend que dale du clic clac que fait habituellement mon clavier lorsque j’écris. Mon chum doit tout… Continue reading Otite et cie
Help End the Canadian Seal Slaughter
During Canada’s annual war on seals, hundreds of thousands of baby seals are killed for their skin in the most horrific ways imaginable. Seals stand no chance against club-wielding trappers who are after their fur, and they must look on as fellow pups are bludgeoned to death before meeting the same bloody fate. All eyes… Continue reading Help End the Canadian Seal Slaughter
Un super article sur Je suis féministe, qui m’a mené à une trouvaille épatante, le site Skin Deep, qui vous permet de juger du danger associé aux produits cosmétiques que vous achetez. Prenez le temps de faire le tour, vous remarquerez rapidement que cette industrie n’a guère à faire de votre santé mais bien de… Continue reading Cosmétiques
Six millions d’animaux tués dans le monde chaque heure
31 Janvier, 1ère Journée Mondiale pour l’Abolition de la Viande – First World Day for the Abolition of Meat
1er octobre: journée mondiale sans viande
Parce que la production d’une livre de boeuf nécessite assez pour que vous vous ouvriez les yeux : 30 000 litres d’eau, (l’équivalent de 6 mois de douche) 13 livres de grains, avec lesquels on pourrait produire 20 pains et nourrir 20 familles près de 4 litres d’essence et que cette production rejette près de… Continue reading 1er octobre: journée mondiale sans viande
Rail rides
We are jealous, and envious, of the european train system, and wonder why north america is still left without high speed train in most commuted travel lines (such as NYC – Montreal!). When will we move on? Read more about the topic, High speed rail initiative for California.
A wonderfull resssource of veggy restaurants in your town. Here is the listing for montreal’s best vegetarian restaurants – if you know a better listing, i’d like to see it!
I am a vegetarian and I love meat
This sentence sounds a bit strange, doesn’t it? But in the near future it could be reality, at least for vegetarians who don’t eat meat in order to protest against industrialized mass-killing of animals, which is the sad reality of today’s meat production industry (40 billion animals are killed every year alone in the U.S.).… Continue reading I am a vegetarian and I love meat
Vivre en ville
regroupement Québecois pour le développement urbain rural et villageois viable. À voir ici.
Self-destruction in 48 hrs
A german company invented a DVD which deletes its content in 48 hrs after playing it for the first time. That’s a stupid idea which just creates more waste on this planet, especially when a movie does not necessarily need any physical medium for its distribution anymore! If someone doesn’t have access to the internet,… Continue reading Self-destruction in 48 hrs
The Austrian fashion label Fabrics Interseason combines ecologically produced fabrics and high style in their collections. They describe their clientele as the eco-bourgeoisie: being conscious about the environment and nature as well as wearing locally manufactured clothes with a conservative and classic chic. Link to Fabrics Interseason spring summer 2008 collection (via de-bug)
Wind energy with style
The stylish Bahrain World Trade Center is a 240m high skyscraper which has its own wind energy plant integrated into the architecture of the building. Stunning!
Master of your time
“Change doesn’t happen because of how we invest our money. Change happens because of how we invest our human energy, and it always has since we came down from the trees. Everyone’s got a margin of discretionary energy — ten percent, twenty percent — that isn’t used up making their way in the world. That’s… Continue reading Master of your time
Green and inspiring
I’ve been writing some weeks ago about my researches to find the best of green clothing for kids. Here are some newly found items among the cutest and most inspiring ones, some i wish could also be wore by adults! The items which can be bought on Etsy are created with love and care by… Continue reading Green and inspiring
Look stylish, even with a running nose
Leaf tissue holder, a nicely designed package which act as an envelope to carry your own tissues instead of buying them in individual packages.
Conscious travelling
If you are about to plan your next holidays in Central and South America, it’s a must to have a look at Whole Travel, who’s mission is: To provide the best travel opportunities to unique and authentic destinations that preserve the environment, support local cultures and promote sustainable lifestyles. This sounds promising – take a… Continue reading Conscious travelling
L’Herbier: soins corporels bio et équitables
Plongeons-nous un peu plus dans les petits soins – connaissez-vous l’Herbier? « Les Soins Corporels l’Herbier offrent des produits de grande qualité, faits à la main au coeur du village de Mont-Saint-Grégoire en Montérégie. Cette entreprise québécoise opte pour des méthodes artisanales en utilisant des matières premières naturelles, biologiques, équitables et biodégradables dans le respect… Continue reading L’Herbier: soins corporels bio et équitables
Guide to Greener Electronics
Since August 2006, Greenpeace is releasing a “Guide to Greener Electronics” where they are looking at various hardware manufacturers and their policies on toxic chemicals and recycling. Our ‘Guide to Greener Electronics’ aims to clean up the electronics sector and get manufacturers to take responsibility for the full life cycle of their products, including the… Continue reading Guide to Greener Electronics
La banane équitable
fait son entrée au Québec. En l’achetant vous contribuerez à éliminer la pollution créée par l’étandage de pesticides qui causent l’érosion, l’épuisement des sols, le déboisement et la destruction d’un bon nombre d’écosystèmes locaux. Plus d’infos ici.
Pour en finir avec les sacs de plastiques
Trouvé chez Luce, la collection de sacs CABA, ingénieux et esthétiques, fait au Québec!
Pecha Kucha Montreal
Et voilà Guylaine dans mon inbox qui me demande “pis pis, c’était comment Pecha Kucha?”… Dommage qu’elle n’ait pu y être, elle aurait adoré. C’était mon baptême, car en toute honnêteté, j’ai bien de la misère à me déplacer dans des événements mondains c’est temps ci (le confort de ma maison, et les périodes de… Continue reading Pecha Kucha Montreal
Easy Gardening
This year we’ll dig deep into balcony gardening – for this, i just ordered a copy of Toronto based Gayla Trail’s book You Grow Girl, a contemporary, laid-back approach to gardening.
Green Clothing
I’ve been digging into baby-wear, this to find the nicest outfits for little Emilie and her brother Leo. Surprisingly, i have found a great diversity of online shop selling only the best of organic clothing, Organic and sustainable materials in socially-conscious practices as they call it, this for kids, and while i was at it,… Continue reading Green Clothing
Verdir à son rythme
Première entreprise d’écoconception au Québec, Perennia contribue à l’amélioration de la performance environnementale des organisations.
What are you driving with? Oh, I run on air!
This was for me a stunning news… the french company Motor Development International (MDI) is about to start the mass production of a car which is only driven by compressed air! They claim the car can drive for 100 km with a single air tank, and producing zero emissions! I have to admit, we often… Continue reading What are you driving with? Oh, I run on air!
Litière bio 2ième partie, et Weleda
On en avait déjà parlé sur Vu d’ici, et le chat de Janick a fait le test. Ce mercredi l’émission La vie en vert fera un topo sur la litière bio! Pendant qu’on est dans les achats écolos, voici ma sélection écosanté du mois: déo Weleda à la sauge pour lui, Wild Rose déo pour… Continue reading Litière bio 2ième partie, et Weleda
Zero-waste cutting edge city experiment
The United Arab Emirates began to build on the Masdar City project, which will be a zero-carbon, zero-waste city using cutting-edge solar power technology in the middle of the deserts of Abu Dhabi. Finished by 2015 this city will be inhabited by 50,000 people and a showcase of how cities will look like in the… Continue reading Zero-waste cutting edge city experiment
Toucher le coeur
Cette image vaux bien plus que 1000 mots… Déniché sur Le teritoire des sens.
The Green Challenge
On my todo list is written, and this since last october, that i’ve been tagged by Luce and must write what i am doing to introduce environmental sustainability into my daily life – i know it’s been a while, but i could not end my list before now. I’ve been scanning through the changes i’ve… Continue reading The Green Challenge
Clean green
We are now waiting for the city of Montreal to figure out a solution for a new recycling box system – but until then, i think we’ve got to figure out a solution by ourselves to stop the mess and pollution created by the winds blowing out all content from our green recycling boxes. We… Continue reading Clean green
Apple, how can hype make you blind?
Everyone is again all W-O-W about Apple. When will Apple develop durable and eco-friendly products, in sustainable working environments? Anyone really care? Can hype make you blind? My first ipod did not even last half the lifetime of my portable cd player. And there was no way to have it repaired, no way to recycle… Continue reading Apple, how can hype make you blind?