Rail rides

We are jealous, and envious, of the european train system, and wonder why north america is still left without high speed train in most commuted travel lines (such as NYC – Montreal!). When will we move on? Read more about the topic, High speed rail initiative for California.


A wonderfull resssource of veggy restaurants in your town. Here is the listing for montreal’s best vegetarian restaurants – if you know a better listing, i’d like to see it!

Vivre en ville

regroupement Québecois pour le développement urbain rural et villageois viable. À voir ici.

Conscious travelling

If you are about to plan your next holidays in Central and South America, it’s a must to have a look at Whole Travel, who’s mission is: To provide the best travel opportunities to unique and authentic destinations that preserve the environment, support local cultures and promote sustainable lifestyles. This sounds promising – take a… Continue reading Conscious travelling

Pecha Kucha Montreal

Et voilà Guylaine dans mon inbox qui me demande “pis pis, c’était comment Pecha Kucha?”… Dommage qu’elle n’ait pu y être, elle aurait adoré. C’était mon baptême, car en toute honnêteté, j’ai bien de la misère à me déplacer dans des événements mondains c’est temps ci (le confort de ma maison, et les périodes de… Continue reading Pecha Kucha Montreal

Easy Gardening

This year we’ll dig deep into balcony gardening – for this, i just ordered a copy of Toronto based Gayla Trail’s book You Grow Girl, a contemporary, laid-back approach to gardening.

Verdir à son rythme

Première entreprise d’écoconception au Québec, Perennia contribue à l’amélioration de la performance environnementale des organisations.

The Green Challenge

On my todo list is written, and this since last october, that i’ve been tagged by Luce and must write what i am doing to introduce environmental sustainability into my daily life – i know it’s been a while, but i could not end my list before now. I’ve been scanning through the changes i’ve… Continue reading The Green Challenge

Clean green

We are now waiting for the city of Montreal to figure out a solution for a new recycling box system – but until then, i think we’ve got to figure out a solution by ourselves to stop the mess and pollution created by the winds blowing out all content from our green recycling boxes. We… Continue reading Clean green

2008, and after

We are about to see the end of another year, and for us who still think, care and reflect, this is a time of questioning, and repositioning. There are roughly only 2 things that matters to me and for which i really care – the nature which surrounds us and which we are fully part… Continue reading 2008, and after