I am a vegetarian and I love meat

This sentence sounds a bit strange, doesn’t it? But in the near future it could be reality, at least for vegetarians who don’t eat meat in order to protest against industrialized mass-killing of animals, which is the sad reality of today’s meat production industry (40 billion animals are killed every year alone in the U.S.).

I love pigs

But since a while scientists around the world are researching to produce meat in the laboratory without killing animals. It’s called in-vitro meat production which uses a medium to grow meat. I guess it’s similar to growing plants. But you can imagine that the meat industry is not very thrilled by that idea and won’t support research in that field. That’s the reason why PETA (= People for the ethical treatment of animals) stepped in and are offering a 1$ million reward to the first scientists to produce and bring in-vitro meat to the market.

More info to that reward can be found on the web site of PETA.

I don’t know exactly what to think about it. On the one hand it sounds like a plausible and great idea, but on the other hand I don’t if we – as human beings – are going too far in that point: is an in-vitro grown meat alive? Does it hurt someone? I think these are ethical questions, but killing 40 billion animals… that’s definitely not ok either.


By the way I became a vegetarian because I cannot support the meat industry anymore. And I don’t even miss real meat because there are excellent tofu products available which mimic meat just perfectly.


Written by Chris Car for Vu d’ici. More banners on Peta2.com


  1. So, that’s something interesting that now we can get artificial meat. It is really a good news for those non – vegetarians who wants to quit meat but find it difficulty to be totally vegetarian.

  2. I think this article is awesome!!! I am 14 and I am also a vegetarian. I learned a lot from this and I thank you very much for putting it up. I just recently became a vegetarian like 3 weeks ago and I do crave meat once in a while but its getting easier. I didn’t think I could do it because I absolutely loved meat. I hope more people will become vegetarians and see thats its not hard. thanx again!!!

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