3 photos albums are in progress, Hamburg & surroundings + Holland + Berlin. I had to choose through a huge amount of pictures took between 2000 and 2003. Worse is that i think i have lost all the pictures i took on my trip to Italy and in Denmark. I really hope i can find… Continue reading Photo albums
Author: m-c
Kraftwerk live at the metropolis
Ok guys, this is going to be a resume of my french post about the show last night. Sorry if it gets shorter in the translation, but it has been a good party and i’m hoping to hit my bed soon, if you know what i mean… so… I must admit that most of the… Continue reading Kraftwerk live at the metropolis
J’ai fait le saut
Hé oui, j’ai fait le saut moi aussi. Ma première rencontre yulblog est déjà chose du passé, et je sens que pleins de bonne choses sont à venir. Hé oui, c’est gênant de se rendre quelque part pour discuter avec des inconnus.. ou presque. N’empêche, faut se rendre à l’évidence, l’esprit de famille y était.… Continue reading J’ai fait le saut
I just went out for breakfast with a bunch of books to read, one of them being “Never Threaten to Eat Your Co-Workers, best of blogs“. The book is laying my bedside table since a week now. Everytime i see the cover i keep asking myself why the hell is it called that way? The… Continue reading JOB TIP #515: NEVER THREATEN TO EAT YOUR CO-WORKERS
Ptite vie
“salut, s’tu fais?” “ben euh, j’me préparais à me coucher, pourquoi? Toi s’tu fais? t’étais pas censé faire de la musique à soir?” “ben non cr…, les canadiens ont perdus… chu déprimé…” ha… p’tite vie…
Bonne nuit
Aller prendre un verre avec les gens du travail, après le travail, l’estomac vide en plus d’une semaine d’insomnie n’était p’têtre pas une si bonne idée… Quelque chose me dit que je vais rejoindre mon lit bientôt. Demain soir, le show tant mais tant attendu de kraftwerk au metropolis est sold out. Ca va être… Continue reading Bonne nuit
Mtl short films – movie 3
$ – movie 3 * vous êtes vous déjà demandé ce que deviendront les chaines Dollorama à long terme, quand on pourra pu rien vendre à 1$ à part que de la gomme et des paquets de 10 kleenex?
Les aventures de ti-et-grozamour
Après avoir figuré par eux même comment flusher la toilette, ouvrir les armoires, ouvrir la porte du frigo et même activer l’eau de la douche, tinamour et grozamour ont aujourd’hui réussi à couper l’électricité du frigo en pesant sur la fiche du power supply. Vous seriez surpris par la capacité d’absorption de quelques tranches de… Continue reading Les aventures de ti-et-grozamour
Voici une liste de liens que – dans le meilleur des mondes – j’aurais aimé commenter, mais comme j’ai juste une unt tête et deux mains, je peux pas tout faire. Je vais quand même faire de mon mieu. Voici : * Hallucinant mix entre des poupées de porcelaine et des extra-terrestres * Your other… Continue reading Liens
For a second, you realize that you are probably not getting all of what life has to offer – Cette phrase est passé dans ma tête tout à l’heure est en est ressortie peu de temps après.
Je m’apperçois que j’ai pris de nouvelles habitudes depuis ma semaine de congé qui s’est terminée il y a 8 jours exactement. . je me suis mise à boire du porto, chaque soir. Un verre, deux verres, trois… . avec le verre de porto, je fume une cigarette, deux cigarettes, trois…* * je suis fumeuse… Continue reading habitudes
I have received today a bunch of books i’ve ordered lately. The second book by Lynne Franks, Grow, has finally arrived. The book looks gorgeous, as the previous one, The Seed Handbook. The dimensions are the same, and it is illustrated by the same previous illustrator. I went trough the Seed Handbook many times, since… Continue reading Grow
The most influential reporters and bloggers on the web
BlogRunner: BlogRunner Top Weblog Authors
La game
Je reviens de l’épicerie ou les filles se préparaient pour le “rush” de l’entracte. Quelle entracte? de quoi elles parlent? Je sors et m’aperçoit que la rue mt-royal est complètement déserte – même pas un chat. J’ai rarement vu la rue comme ça le samedi soir. C’est alors que j’ai allumé – ha oui, la… Continue reading La game
Il pleut et il fait gris, mais ca me dérange pas. Je vais devoir prendre ma journée pour dégriser, ya pas grand chose d’autre que je serai capable de faire aujourd’hui. Je ne me rappelle pas avoir autant attendu l’été de toute ma vie. Hier était une magnifique journée, et après le boulot, comme ca… Continue reading L’amitié
Tu aime les fraises, moi aussi, et alors?
Aujourd’hui était mon retour au boulot. Votre jeudi était donc mon lundi. Mais votre vendredi sera aussi le mien. Bref… Je reviens d’être allée prendre un verre avec mon ami phil, à qui j’ai du expliquer ce qu’est un blog (ou cybercarnet, c’est ca le terme francais?) Tu aime les fraises, moi aussi, et alors?… Continue reading Tu aime les fraises, moi aussi, et alors?
really nice… Newsmap is an application that visually reflects the constantly changing landscape of the Google News news aggregator. A treemap visualization algorithm helps display the enormous amount of information gathered by the aggregator.
Amazon launch A9
Many post about the topics today, i suggest you read this one since it covers most of the topic for now, or try it for yourself. From my point of view, i think a9.com is a nice domain name. Other then that, i did a search with “daily thoughts & musigns” which is the name… Continue reading Amazon launch A9
Many people visiting my portfolio are asking about the pixel font used as a signature on each images. The font is called Cute8 and was designed by my friend etienne. The font is available for mac on etienne’s website, in the extras section. Enjoy!
Holidays look like…
Holidays look like…
Good things about being on holidays are: getting up whenever i feel like getting to bed whenever i feel like doing what i feel like, all day long no agenda listening to late shows as brave new waves with patti schmmmmmidt at 12h am having a midnight beer cleaning up todo lists working on paintings… Continue reading Holidays look like…
The end of webpages design?
(if you’re a web designer, maybe it’s better for you not to read this post) Interesting post on Kottke about content syndication: I think we should probably stop calling it syndication. If you read the post, you’ll find yourself browsing trough an article about microcontent: (…) These two client programs (apple’s sherlock and Watson) are… Continue reading The end of webpages design?
An interesting discussion is gonna take place soon about how to make money from your blog. Interesting question at the start: should we or should we not try to get some money out of a hobby as blogging? Honestly, i have no problem with people trying to get some bucks out of their website as… Continue reading Blog$
Disk space
Uh oh.. could it be that i saved 1 gig of space cleaning unsused language ressources on OS X? * Monolingual v.1.1.2
Audioscrobbler: sharing playlists & finding musical mates
Audioscrobbler is a computer system that builds up a detailed profile of your musical taste. After installing an Audioscrobbler Plugin, your computer sends the name of every song you play to the Audioscrobbler Server. With this information, the Audioscrobbler server builds you a ‘Musical Profile’. Statistics from your Musical Profile are shown on your Audioscrobbler… Continue reading Audioscrobbler: sharing playlists & finding musical mates
Sharing playlists & finding musical mates
Audioscrobbler is a computer system that builds up a detailed profile of your musical taste. After installing an Audioscrobbler Plugin, your computer sends the name of every song you play to the Audioscrobbler Server. With this information, the Audioscrobbler server builds you a ‘Musical Profile’. Statistics from your Musical Profile are shown on your Audioscrobbler… Continue reading Sharing playlists & finding musical mates
Last paintings finally arrived
Last paintings just arrived today, 3 weeks after my other packages. I was really worried about these since i am planning to have an exhibition soon, and also because these paintings are really important for me. In total i must have 40 pieces of work done while i was in germany. They are a big… Continue reading Last paintings finally arrived
Last paintings finally arrived
Last paintings just arrived today, 3 weeks after my other packages. I was really worried about these since i am planning to have an exhibition soon, and also because these paintings are really important for me. In total i must have 40 pieces of work done while i was in germany. They are a big… Continue reading Last paintings finally arrived
Why is it that apple doesnt have a cellphone or a pda compatible with os X on the market yet? Why is it that i still cannot merge 2 orders on amazon.ca? Why is it that with typepad i cannot have a post sended simultaneously on 2 weblogs, or as with MT, send emails notifications?
Ca fesait des semaines que j’attendais ce moment, 6 longues journées de congé pour remettre mes choses en place et faire le point. Enfin… (avec un long soupir…) Je pars pour la campagne, pas d’ordi, de cellulaire, mais euh… bon, je vais bien amener ma caméra… pour en revenir en meilleur étât avec surement plus… Continue reading V-A-C-A-N-C-E-S-!!!
Compulsive buyings
Following my post from last week, i think im gonna buy a new cellphone. Im pretty much into gadgetomania these days, and there must be a bit of compulsive buying into this…
Ca se fête!
Tinamour et grozamour ont maintenant 4 ans!!
What is a blog
For those who still wonder… The phrase ‘blog’ is an abbreviation of web log and is best defined as a frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and web links. It may combine diary, rant, noticeboard, photo gallery and CD playlists. It may be simple black-on-white page of text or the text may be the excuse… Continue reading What is a blog
Blogs and social changes
Interesting article in The Observer about blogs: Parents discover more about their children through the surreptitious reading of their blogs than over the dinner table At the last count, the website Technorati had tracked 1,944,106 unique weblogs in the world, and there is only one theme common to all: they are all about ego, about… Continue reading Blogs and social changes
I am always amazed by the number of people who dont know what a blog is, for exemple in computer bookstores when no one there knows about what blogging is… For me blogs are the best thing that happened after the internet was born. “Weblogs may be the most interesting phenomenon in media in decades,… Continue reading Kinja