i am now wifi

Got my new computer, fully equipped with an airport card. This means, i surely will be trying out some of our mtl hotspots. Since i am new to this, here’s a quick list of how to get going with wifi in mtl: * Ile sans fil Vous pouvez consulter un article sur les gens derrière… Continue reading i am now wifi

My song

Un liens découvert via monsieur p. ‘Let them sing it for you’ is an art radio project. Type in your msg and let some of the world greatest stars give voice to it! * here’s mine!

Ipod days

After dan and meb blogs, i have been introduced to francois’s blog earlier this week. Here he is, with a funny post about ipods.. he!

Thunder and lightning

heye, je sais pas qu’est ce qui se passe, mais v’la que même dan se remet à écrire… Moi qui est de loin la seule geek dans mon groupe d’amis, ca m’aidera à me sentir moins différente d’eux. * UEL’s blog * * * À venir, suite à une conversation que j’ai eu avec chumé… Continue reading Thunder and lightning

Une nouvelle recrue

Toute mes félicitations à mon amie meb qui a mis en ligne hier, à 2h38, son premier blog: Chez Meb. Le premier post fait exactment 67 mots et nous promet plein de belles réflexions profondes sur le temps qu’il fait ainsi que sur sa vie d’artiste dans le jus d’orange. * Chez Meb

We all want it

iTunes music store for canada. We have money too. * iTunes Music Store for Canada Petition

TypePad.de now online

Typepad, the hosted weblogging service i am using, is now available in german. So it is now available in english, french, spanish and german. The french and german versions gives the user a 2 months free trial, not fair. I only got a 30 days free trial… Anyways.. here’s the link: * TypePad: Ihr Weblog-Service… Continue reading TypePad.de now online


Ed introduce us (at least ME) to protoblogging: protoblogging — when you blog pre-written stuff that you would have blogged if you had had a blog back then.

Why blogs are no Tamagochis

Tamagochis are isolated. Weblogs are connected. Tamagochis die. Weblogs mature. Tamagochis get boring over time. Weblogs get more interesting over time. Tamagochis don’t make friends. Weblogs create networks. [picture taken at BlogWalk, Vienna, via Heiko Hebig]

Help keep bloggers alive!

i had a funny *and weird* idea reading Nika’s post about her scooter accident this morning. See and tell me how weird this is. The idea is to do a little fundraising event, or even promotion stuff like tshirts with written on: “Help keep bloggers alive! Donate!” And of course, we would use the money… Continue reading Help keep bloggers alive!

Critical Pixels

discovered today while searching, again, for a communication class i could take. This time i was looking at concordia communication undergraduate program and i think i should really give it a try. But again, march 1st deadline is already gone by. What should spontaneous people like me, unable to have a life planning over 3… Continue reading Critical Pixels

what u get for $2

Turn any website into an RSS feed for $2. Bootleg RSS, a service for scraping websites and turning them into RSS, is taking requests. If there’s a site you’d like RSS-ified, ping Carlo and he’ll make it into a feed for $2. Now, I’ve thought about the how. Hosting feeds costs money, scraping feeds is… Continue reading what u get for $2

Nerds meeting

So yeah guys, up for another bluuuugs meeting tomorrow evening. At 20h at la cabane on st-laurent. Not that i really like the place.. we have to talk about moving it to the Laika bar, a couple of blocks away, where they have a wi-fi access and hm, its cozy and nicer then la cabane… Continue reading Nerds meeting

If my powerbook could sing

I hope he would sing that he loves me… * i love u –> worth waiting the download time, if u happen to know who’s done the music, let me know. thanx to patrick for the link.

It could have been me

It could have been you. It could have been me. It could have been a close friend of us… Go on. Live your life as fully and loud as you can. There might be no tomorrow. ’cause we’re all in this together… * read nika * read boris

Twist it

(14:44:00) A.J.: hey (14:44:22) m-c: hey (14:44:28) m-c: how is it going (14:44:30) A.J.: what’s new? (14:44:38) A.J.: well, not a lot (…) (14:56:55) A.J.: anyway (14:57:02) A.J.: on the blogger side of things, there was some sad news (14:57:11) m-c: what? (14:57:46) A.J.: someone who had come to a couple of YULBlog meetings died… Continue reading Twist it

rencontre yulblog de ce soir et sprint nocturnes

De retour de la rencontre yulblog de ce soir.. C’est jamais évident de se présenter comme ca, veux veux pas, un peu à nus devant des gens qui connaissent nos vies.. Surtout que ce soir, à ma grande surprise, 20 personnes étaient attablées quand je suis arrivé. Encore plus gênant, Maxime qui se présente et… Continue reading rencontre yulblog de ce soir et sprint nocturnes

Sark’s new website

Boys might say that this is girl stuff, but i know some boys also get it. Sark has a new website online. For those of you who might not know her, sark is the author of many books about creative living (creative companion and succulent wild women to name a few). Her books are mostly… Continue reading Sark’s new website


Pour ceux qui ne le savaient pas, le Devoir s’est muni d’un blogue (en tout cas, moi je le savais pas!). * ledevoir.com/blog * un guide détaillé sur les carnets web par michel dumais.

When we hit reality

While Yulblog, our mtl bloggers group, is trying to grow up (around 80 people are on the yulblog list but about 15-20 people show up to meetings), it looks like london is gonna have a major bloggers meeting!

Lucky Heiko

Lucky Heiko is going to join the typepad team. I’m pretty sure it will be a good fit. Best of luck!

J’ai fait le saut

Hé oui, j’ai fait le saut moi aussi. Ma première rencontre yulblog est déjà chose du passé, et je sens que pleins de bonne choses sont à venir. Hé oui, c’est gênant de se rendre quelque part pour discuter avec des inconnus.. ou presque. N’empêche, faut se rendre à l’évidence, l’esprit de famille y était.… Continue reading J’ai fait le saut