Sharing playlists & finding musical mates

Audioscrobbler is a computer system that builds up a detailed profile of your musical taste. After installing an Audioscrobbler Plugin, your computer sends the name of every song you play to the Audioscrobbler Server. With this information, the Audioscrobbler server builds you a ‘Musical Profile’. Statistics from your Musical Profile are shown on your Audioscrobbler… Continue reading Sharing playlists & finding musical mates

Compulsive buyings

Following my post from last week, i think im gonna buy a new cellphone. Im pretty much into gadgetomania these days, and there must be a bit of compulsive buying into this…

What is a blog

For those who still wonder… The phrase ‘blog’ is an abbreviation of web log and is best defined as a frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and web links. It may combine diary, rant, noticeboard, photo gallery and CD playlists. It may be simple black-on-white page of text or the text may be the excuse… Continue reading What is a blog

Blogs and social changes

Interesting article in The Observer about blogs: Parents discover more about their children through the surreptitious reading of their blogs than over the dinner table At the last count, the website Technorati had tracked 1,944,106 unique weblogs in the world, and there is only one theme common to all: they are all about ego, about… Continue reading Blogs and social changes


I am always amazed by the number of people who dont know what a blog is, for exemple in computer bookstores when no one there knows about what blogging is… For me blogs are the best thing that happened after the internet was born. “Weblogs may be the most interesting phenomenon in media in decades,… Continue reading Kinja


Pour repérer facilement les blogs francophones à l’échelle planétaire, * Carte de la blogosphère francophone blogs, toutes langues confondues, à l’échelle planétaire, * Carte de la blogosphère entière et vous pouvez même trouver le blog le plus près de chez vous! * recherche par long/lat have fun!

RSS web news reader

NetNewsWire is an easy-to-use RSS Web news reader for Mac OS X. Its familiar three-paned interface—similar to Apple Mail and Outlook Express—can fetch and display news from thousands of different websites and weblogs, making it quick and easy to keep up with the latest news. À l’essais depuis le weekend dernier, c’est pas mal cool… Continue reading RSS web news reader

Keri’s new blog

Keri Smith’s website is now turning into a blog, and hopefully, we will be getting more post from her. She is one of my favorite artist/writer, and i am more than happy to add her to my daily readings. * Keri’s new blog

Moby’s journal

What could be more interesting on a saturday evening than to browse thru a selection of judicious writing of a brilliant artist? * Check out moby’s journal section, if you are avid and curious like me.

Highly inspiring blogs…

Sherry is writing with her heart wide open, have a look for yourself. Libby Clark is such a great exemple of someone with a powerfull drive to realise what’s on her mind. I could be jealous, but im not, I’m just happy to discover great people who are bulding tomorrow’s world. Check out her writing… Continue reading Highly inspiring blogs…

Great weblog

First, if you’r a designer, or someone sensitive to typography, grids, crispy stylesheets and nice content, well, this site is worth a visit: What Do I know Also, if you want to visit other nice weblogs, i think you might like Witold Riedel‘s site , a german guy living in new york. Also check his… Continue reading Great weblog