
When I was living in Germany, I had a subscription for the fabulous german magazine Brand Eins. By reading the magazine for 2 years, it changed my mind not only once. I learned so much from the well-written and critical articles about economy, society and psychology. It was one of my most important sources of inspiration… sitting silently, having a cup of coffee on a Saturday morning and reading Brand Eins gave me an energy boost for the week to come!

Anyways, when I moved to Montréal I canceled the subscription. I knew that they archive all magazines online but I never had a look at it. Until yesterday… 😉 And the power of the magazine got me into it, again. 😉

I discovered an excellent article about “success”. You might think “oh my god, another article about success and how to be successful from a self-nominated success guru”. But no, not at all. The article gives a historical overview from the beginning of the industrialized society and the first books written on this subject by people who believed that everyone can be successful – whatever this means. Additionally the relationship between luck and success is covered as well as the term success and its meaning recently – “nowadays success is defined as material success only”.

If you can read german and if you feel like looking behind some values of our society, this article is a must for you. Check it out here.