Typepad, the hosted weblogging service i am using, is now available in german. So it is now available in english, french, spanish and german. The french and german versions gives the user a 2 months free trial, not fair. I only got a 30 days free trial… Anyways.. here’s the link: * TypePad: Ihr Weblog-Service… Continue reading TypePad.de now online
Author: m-c
Riot girl: Miss Kittin’s diary
Havn’t u aready read it, you should really do so. She really rock, you can feel it in her words.. Writing about life, touring, rock ‘n roll, how to live in germany while not speaking german (uh, do i recognize myself here??), german police and the finanzamt, with some nice scribbles. Here we go: *… Continue reading Riot girl: Miss Kittin’s diary
If i ever feel better
Well, seems to be that graphic design is the topic of the week. Here’s a nice and well presented designer portfolio: * Xrtions and here’s another illustrator portfolio. Check out the sketchbook section.. * * justindegarmo.com huoh.. nice nice and nice.. * * * imyj.com beautiful work by this artist/designer based in toronto * *… Continue reading If i ever feel better
Ed introduce us (at least ME) to protoblogging: protoblogging — when you blog pre-written stuff that you would have blogged if you had had a blog back then.
If i had 2000$
I would probably go to the Graphic Europe design conference in october. Speakers include Ian Anderson (designers republic) and my long time idol, Peter Saville, best known for his famous record covers done for factory records in the 80’s. Standard rate is 795 lovely Euros.
Me and chumé
Mel is away for some days, so my mission since 3 days is to feed her cat and rabbit. Her cat, jetaime, and her rabbit are closely living together since last march. Since i didn’t knew the name of the rabbit because it changes everytime i see him, i simply decided to call him Chumé.… Continue reading Me and chumé
work of art
Julie Verhoeven’s work is just truly amazing. She’s got a new portfolio online beside Me Company’s portfolio which is also absolutely stunning with fragile 3d rendered atmospheres. Me Company’s client list include apple, bjork and kenzo. Brilliant.
Dancing shoes
Friend phil will be spinning tomorrow at le piknic électronik, from 13h ’till 20h. Place de l’Homme, Parc Jean-Drapeau – accès 5 $ Temps prévu : Nuageux avec éclaircies et averses isolées I sure will be there, only to check out how’s my twist doing. +++ havn’t been there. too less sleep in the last nights too… Continue reading Dancing shoes
Why blogs are no Tamagochis
Tamagochis are isolated. Weblogs are connected. Tamagochis die. Weblogs mature. Tamagochis get boring over time. Weblogs get more interesting over time. Tamagochis don’t make friends. Weblogs create networks. [picture taken at BlogWalk, Vienna, via Heiko Hebig]
Help keep bloggers alive!
i had a funny *and weird* idea reading Nika’s post about her scooter accident this morning. See and tell me how weird this is. The idea is to do a little fundraising event, or even promotion stuff like tshirts with written on: “Help keep bloggers alive! Donate!” And of course, we would use the money… Continue reading Help keep bloggers alive!
HVW8 – last call
The exhibition ends tomorrow so hurry up! The saddest is that it took them a week to paint all the walls of the gallery, and all this will be repainted over. * Check out the photo album.
Shall we all browse
Another discovery today, Pixelsurgeon is a digest of the creative, strange and interesting from the internet, relayed to you by our hand-picked team of newsposters. In addition to our newsfeed – updated several times a day, every day – we review movies, games, and music; interview designers, musicians, movie makers, and artists; and host exclusive… Continue reading Shall we all browse
Critical Pixels
discovered today while searching, again, for a communication class i could take. This time i was looking at concordia communication undergraduate program and i think i should really give it a try. But again, march 1st deadline is already gone by. What should spontaneous people like me, unable to have a life planning over 3… Continue reading Critical Pixels
Oooops, I did it again
no, i haven’t spent my lunchtime shopping. no, i haven’t stopped at zara. no, i haven’t bought something there. no, i didn’t use my credit card. (no, my credit card limit is not reached.. yet). no, i haven’t bought another shirt. no, it’s not a pink one, again.
Alexander McQueen
My fall wardrobe is ready, there’s only the budget missing… :/ * Alexander McQueen
Weekly obsession: Arthur Russell’s fragile art-disco genius
My obsession with arthur russell is still going on. Ok, no worry. all obsessions i have last for not more than 2 to 3 weeks. This is second week (out of 3 i hope). Getting to the point here. It does feel wonderful to discover a new artist who’s work make us feel happier, see… Continue reading Weekly obsession: Arthur Russell’s fragile art-disco genius
Six ain’t better than one
In my numerous attempts of getting into an healthier lifestyle, i took the habit of buying a salad at the corner store every time i pass by. Cleaning up the mess that is my flat this morning, i opened the fridge to find out more than 6 unopened salads. Remembers me that good intention must… Continue reading Six ain’t better than one
Manitoba: Up in flames // en feu
2 drummers, a keyboard, 2 guitars, a melodica, and pre recorded voices. Something like my bloody valentine and the beach boys. Add some rock. Weird visuals, and weird masks. Manitoba played for about an hour, and then we’ve got some house tracks. I bet getting up at 8h will be quite difficult, but under 30… Continue reading Manitoba: Up in flames // en feu
Racing for a quiet life
Having a hard time getting up this morning, I promised myself i would stay home tonight with grozamour et tinamour to recover from last nights out. So many good intentions: taking it easy, eating something healthy, watching a movie (something nice, nothing too stressy), and most of all, being in bed as early as possible.… Continue reading Racing for a quiet life
Check out for transmediale04 call for entries. The website is done by friends at Fork. did i already made a post about that? hm.. can’t remember. Transmediale, international media art festival berlin, invites submissions for its Award Competition. The competition highlights outstanding contemporary artistic positions in digital media art. (…)
Up in flames // en feu
// Friend mel and her band are playing at the jazz festival. // tonight, manitoba is playing at club soda with fred everything as second part. Show is a 12h. // friend dan is gonna do a live performance on july 31th at the missy bar. I will be doing the artwork for the cd… Continue reading Up in flames // en feu
what u get for $2
Turn any website into an RSS feed for $2. Bootleg RSS, a service for scraping websites and turning them into RSS, is taking requests. If there’s a site you’d like RSS-ified, ping Carlo and he’ll make it into a feed for $2. Now, I’ve thought about the how. Hosting feeds costs money, scraping feeds is… Continue reading what u get for $2
Nerds meeting
So yeah guys, up for another bluuuugs meeting tomorrow evening. At 20h at la cabane on st-laurent. Not that i really like the place.. we have to talk about moving it to the Laika bar, a couple of blocks away, where they have a wi-fi access and hm, its cozy and nicer then la cabane… Continue reading Nerds meeting
Gang bang
“Everything is interrelated, interconnected. Everything is interrelated, interconnected. sumptuously taken care of.” After going back in time last week showing my first website dating from 99, someone today remembered me a piece i did for paperjam and Mr. Edgar along with other people. The piece was done using a picture taken from the top of… Continue reading Gang bang
Weekly obsession: KOC’s I’d rather dance
Im am so totally hooked by a song, again. Yes, it is still possible to do a perfect pop song. I’d rather dance with you than talk with you so why don’t we just move into the other room there’s space for us to shake, and hey, I like this tune even if I could… Continue reading Weekly obsession: KOC’s I’d rather dance
Blame it on the rain
Along with singing in the rain and crying in the rain, i now introduce riding in the rain. I drove back home while the rain started, and now i’m still wondering if i should go out. Electricity went out, rain went on, big time siesta.
If my powerbook could sing
I hope he would sing that he loves me… * i love u –> worth waiting the download time, if u happen to know who’s done the music, let me know. thanx to patrick for the link.
XPO 2004 En ligne! | Now online!
XPO 2004 : En ligne dès maintenant! –> http://www.wheniridemybike.com/expo Vente de plus de 15 peintures et dessins réalisés entre 2000 et 2004, le tout en ligne seulement. Premier arrivé, premier servis. Venez y faire votre tour! Pour toute infos, contactez moi. Merci de faire circuler cette nouvelle!! 🙂 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// XPO 2004: Now online! –> http://www.wheniridemybike.com/expo… Continue reading XPO 2004 En ligne! | Now online!
et me parlez surtout pas de voyage
Une photo d’aéroport suffit à me faire me tortiller dans tout les sens, c’est comme un coup dans le ventre. C’est sérieux mon problème, mais ya aucun médicament contre la bougeotte. Je peux juste pas passer ma vie ici en sachant que y’a toujours plus à voir autour. Voir la chine à la télé, ca… Continue reading et me parlez surtout pas de voyage
bababababadibabadibadapoupoudoupoudou, dadadadatidididamtidididam, ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, tada, tada, dididididdelidouuuuuuuuuuu, bababababadibabadibadapoupoudoupoudou, dadadadatidididamtidididam, ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, tada, tada, dididididdelidouuuuuuuuuuubababababadibabadibadapoupoudoupoudou, dadadadatidididamtidididam, ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, tada, tada, dididididdelidouuuuuuuuuuu. Da!
if i could, today, i would just drop everything aside and take a train to berlin, or amsterdam. Or just take the train for nowhere. I had a get together at my place yesterday, because yesterday marked 1 year since i moved back in québec. Thing is, i got up this morning with the urge… Continue reading Travel
It’s like a whole other country up here
It was real fun to read Maciej’s post about his arriving and his first views of montreal. (…) The city is covered with durable, defaced posters for the Bloc Québecois (Un Parti Propre Au Québec), the Parti Conservateur (Vous N’Avez Rien A Perdre) the Equipe Martin (Nous Sommes Vraiment Desolés) and the NDP (Ne Nous… Continue reading It’s like a whole other country up here
Blogtalk vienna
Anyone, knows, anything, like this happening around here?
De choses élégantes
La vie ne fait pas toujours les choses très élégamment. Ce matin à mon ordi, grozamour essaie une péripétie hors du commun, qui consiste à sauter de ma table de travail pour rejoindre son frêre, 2 étagères plus haut. Il avait mal visé, et me retombe dans les bras, tout paniqué. Tout s’est fait en… Continue reading De choses élégantes
Pour Dan
“Perfection is the enemy of done.” Jackie Landis