A never ending quest

Often i feel like i am turning around, going 3 steps forward, and then 4 steps backward. So many tools i used in the last year, so many books (check out the reading section self exploration books), so many inspiring people on my way, and still, i feel there is something wrong, something missing. What… Continue reading A never ending quest

Keri Smith

I got deeply inspired by Keri’s view of life. Her work and her writing reveal a profound curiosity about life, and that makes something lighting up in me. * Keri’s website

Carl Jung

~ What did you do as a child that made the hours pass like minutes? Heir in lies the key to what you should be doing in your worldly pursuits. ~ Carl Jung

Highly inspiring blogs…

Sherry is writing with her heart wide open, have a look for yourself. Libby Clark is such a great exemple of someone with a powerfull drive to realise what’s on her mind. I could be jealous, but im not, I’m just happy to discover great people who are bulding tomorrow’s world. Check out her writing… Continue reading Highly inspiring blogs…

The right amount of time

Well, nothing really special, thats why i kept quiet in the last days. I am really busy right now with a 4 days/week freelance contract, trying to update my portfolio, and trying to build up the new unitedsituation website. Why am i always running against time? Even when i stopped to work, i didnt had… Continue reading The right amount of time

July late newsletter

There is the newsletter sent on july 22th 2002. Its never too late to subscribe! * * * When I ride my bike, i often discover new places and this makes me feel alive. ~~~ What makes you feel alive? ~~~ Monthly quote Definition of what is wellbeing, from Brian Eno, Musician: “Having just the… Continue reading July late newsletter

More pictures of hamburg

I hav’nt took so much time to write in the last days (again), i keep myself busy with many things… But, i did took some time to visit new parts of hamburg last weekend, there are some pictures of my visit at the city main park (stadtpark). I got a really exiting view of hamburg… Continue reading More pictures of hamburg

Categorized as Travels

like another day

I havnt wrote since a week or so. I had to stop everything for some days, to take some time doing as less as possible. And i did. (of course i think i did nothing but when i look back i still managed to do some website update, maintenance, read a lot, went to painting… Continue reading like another day

Artbeatstreet website

Need inspiration? Kitty from artbeatstreet.com wrote me an email and i found myself surfing thru her website for an hour… The interview section is especially inspiring, how i love to hear stories of everyday people… enjoy! *artbeatstreet interviews

Pictures from the exhibiton!

After all the stress from the last days, its finally done. I will post more about the exhibition later, for now there are some pictures (with my paintings on it of course!) 😉 * Pictures…

Categorized as Projects

Sark procrastinator tool

For all those out there who like me want to do too many things in a day but never know where to start, i found this very helpful: Sark’s take home tool for procrastinator, enjoy!


~ Becoming whole is becoming authentic, becoming yourself – whosoever you are, whatsoever you are. Accept your limitations, accept your imperfections. That’s what it means to be a human being. ~ Osho


For those who are in hamburg, i will have 4 of my paintings/collage on exhibition next week. The vernissage is on sunday the 23th of June, entry is free and everyone will be welcome! For infos, see the flyer Let me know if your going to be there!

Categorized as News

Holidays scrapbook

I got some time today to scan some things out of my holiday scrapbook. They are both 2 done with watercolor pencil and watercolor painting on (cheap) paper (thats the only thing i had with me!). *Ida *Autoportrait by myself 🙂 more to come…

Creativeday mentioned in SARK’s e letter!

With all the sickness of the last days, i forgot to mention that the magic author Sark as included CreativeDay in her monthly e letter. What an honor for me!!! Many thanks!! The e letter can be found here!

Categorized as Projects

Paul Rand

the fundamental skill of a designer is talent. talent is a rare commodity. it’s all intuition. and you can’t teach intuition. Paul Rand, 1996.

Back to my “normal” life

So yeah, i’m back. Not only back in hamburg, but back to my “normal” life (most people would’nt find it so normal but i do). Normal life means, responsibilities, money worries, life worries, well, all kind of worries you dont really have while on holidays (that’s why holidays are so great!). I spent wonderful time… Continue reading Back to my “normal” life

Martha Graham

“..There is a vitality, a life-force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and be lost. The world will not have it.… Continue reading Martha Graham


“When considering choices in your life, the most alive choice feels like a bit of a risk, makes you giggle, or makes the hairs at the back of your neck stand up…” Sark

Milton glaser

“In looking back, I discovered that all the work I had done that was meaningful and significant came out of an affectionate relationship with a client. Affection, trust and sharing some common ground is the only way good work can be achieved. Otherwise it is a bitter and hopeless struggle.” taken from “This is what… Continue reading Milton glaser

getting ready…

I don’t have time. no time to write. I am too busy, putting my face in my cats hair, getting all love i can get from them before i leave. Busy taking care of my boyfriend, trying to spend as much time as i can with him before friday. Busy trying to forget that i… Continue reading getting ready…

Categorized as News


I hav’nt wrote in the last week, i got suddenly really busy realising that end of may was there and friends and family were waiting for me on the other side of the ocean. This is totaly me, to tell everyone that i’m going to be in quebec for my birthday, but totaly forget about… Continue reading montreal!

Categorized as News

May reading list

Im again into reading 3 books at the same time. I just received Dorothea Brande – Becoming a Writer, (it seems to be an interesting book about the creative process… was writen in 1932!) Derek M. Powazek – Design for Community, could be quite interesting, if i find the time to read it… Shakti gawain… Continue reading May reading list

Some painting

I just put online some painting i did over the last months. Yeah, getting back to painting is quite hard. Use the pen, use the brush, no undo key, urg… the worse i think is that you must get directly in touch with yourself, and this can be quite painfull, but also quite exciting, you… Continue reading Some painting

Categorized as Projects

Hamburg pictures

Hamburg is really nice right now… and i have some proofs! Yesterday and today were wonderfull – sunny and warm. I wish this will last forever! Left picture is took from the backyard, and the other with the view over st-pauli (hip area of hamburg) is took from my nice workplace… 🙂

Categorized as Travels

The Carrer guide for creative and unconventional people

The Carrer Guide for Creative and Unconventional People (like me!) I found lots of interesting information in this book, I suggest that you have a short look at it if you, like me, wonder if there is place for hm, yeah, “unconventional” (creative, self-expressive, human, extremly sensitive to some things, intuitive, with a excessive need… Continue reading The Carrer guide for creative and unconventional people


Here i post lyrics from Ian Brown last video, if you can see it it gets more impact than just reading, but still, i found those lyrics quite inspiring. Each sentence has a strong meaning, following f-e-a-r letters for each words… The video is simple…hm.. like someone riding his bike backward, without seeing where he… Continue reading f.e.a.r


“.. the creative process is like a plant. That’s the best thing about creativity. You can’t say, OK, by Tuesday, I want this twig to have grown three centimeters northwest. It won’t do that; it will just go wherever it wants to. The only thing you can do is make it feel good, and make… Continue reading Björk

Linus Pauling

“Satisfaction of one’s curiosity is one of the greatest sources of happiness in life.” Linus Pauling


how to write about all that, about all of what’s going on in my head. I always think ‘i should write about that..’… but everything goes so fast, i cant catch up on my own thinking. Today, while waiting for the sushi rice to cool up, i went to alex’s site. I remembered a book… Continue reading Changes