How about the rest of us? 27% of the US Internet users read blogs at the end of 2004, compared to 17% in February 2004, it just doubled, according ao a survey made by Pew Internet and American Life Project. Via Loic Le Meur.
Category: Blogs and people
The Proper Way to Hate a Job
Ok, i swear, i do not hate my job – but it did happened in the past. For all of you, job haters, here is something to cheer you up: For the rest of the afternoon conduct seemingly academic experiments with bandwidth by seeing how many simultaneous downloads of ‚ÄúGet Ur Freak On‚Äù your CPU… Continue reading The Proper Way to Hate a Job
TIME Person of the Year 2004: 10 Things We Learned About Blogs
A little late on this but it’s worth the read: * TIME Person of the Year 2004: 10 Things We Learned About Blogs (via Michel Dumais)
Northern Voice, feb. 16th
Northern voice schedule is now up. Northern Voice is a community-based weblogging and personal publishing conference that will take place on Saturday, February 19, 2005 at UBC’s downtown campus (Vancouver). We hope to bring together up to 250 bloggers and blogging neophytes. * Northern Voice
My bet for 05
Mainstream Media References to “Weblog” and “Blog” since 1997 (found via sebpaquet links). My prediction is that social softwares & blogs will hit mainstream more than ever in 2005. (link found via martine) New softwares will emerge, blogs nature will be more known by the average people – thus will be changing, and we’ll… Continue reading My bet for 05
Médias français et blogues
Le blog fait la couverture du quotidien Libération : Ces sites Web d’un nouveau genre, sortes de carnets de bord personnels faciles à ouvrir et faciles à alimenter, n’étaient guère plus d’une vingtaine en 1999 et frôlaient déjà les 100 000 en 2002. Le moteur de recherche américain Technorati en dénombre à ce jour près… Continue reading Médias français et blogues
“10 reasons to blog” rocks again
Thanx to Loic for his link to 10 reasons why blogging is good for you on his blog. French version coming soon.
Drunk & Roll
at laika for 6sec., originally uploaded by TheToine. Lemme tell you why bloggers are the coolest people: ‘caus they mostly always have something funny to chat about and they are curious about everything (and that can bring on the twisted conversations ever – i agree). That is the way we’ve spent the last ‘off yulblog’… Continue reading Drunk & Roll
Le blogue dans les écoles
Le blogue, ou cybercarnet, prouvera t-il son utilité dans les écoles? Une firme de Québec, iXmédia, a réalisé ce qu’on appelle le cyberportfolio de l’institut St-Joseph, qui permet aux professeurs et étudiants de 4ième, 5ième et 6ième année de publier en ligne – tout ca basé sur MT, avec l’utilisation de NetNewsWire comme logiciel d’agrégation.… Continue reading Le blogue dans les écoles
Douglas Coupland
“I used to always think I had to have a reason to record my observations of the day, or even my emotions, but now i think simply being alive is more than enough reason. Unshackled!” Douglas Coupland, Microserfs
Post voyeurisme
Dunno what’s happening, but my rss reader – NetNewsWire – is acting weird. Now i can see all changes that are made to a post between the first publication and the ones done afterwards. New stuff in green, and removed words in red like this. I have a little voyeur feeling here – do they… Continue reading Post voyeurisme
Blogues et journalisme
Martine reviens du congrès de la FPJQ ou elle a animé un atelier ayant pour but de familiariser les journalistes avec le monde des blogues. Je me doutais bien de la situation des médias au québec concernant le phénomène des blogues, et martine le souligne bien sur son billet. Les médias trainent de la patte,… Continue reading Blogues et journalisme
What’s a blog
According to Merriam-Webster’s: Blog noun [short for Weblog] (1999) : a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer (found on j-p cloutier‘s blog)
Why Newspapers Should Really Worry
From Wired mag: “Young people just aren’t interested in reading newspapers and print magazines.” “John Athayde, also 27, a web designer who works in Washington, D.C., buys a newspaper once every “two to three months,” usually “because someone I know has a picture in the events section or something.” Instead, he views news as “packets… Continue reading Why Newspapers Should Really Worry
Blogtalk 3.0 – Montreal?
***** UPDATE A wiki page has been set up to help support the idea of a weblog conference in mtl, international or not, blogtalk or not. Might you be interested in the topic, you can see it evolving at the following url: * Montreal social softwarer conference ***** As Heiko pointed, there wont be a… Continue reading Blogtalk 3.0 – Montreal?
Un blog pour les sans-abris + un nouveau hotspot
via françois : Le projet Homeless Archive vise à permettre aux gens n’ayant pas la chance d’avoir recours aux nouveaux moyens d’expression et de communication de partager leur exprérience quotidienne avec la planète. (…) √éle Sans Fil participera à la mise sur pied de ce service à Montréal. Au cours de la semaine prochaine, le… Continue reading Un blog pour les sans-abris + un nouveau hotspot
10 reasons to blog
I started this list around 2004, 4 years after publishing my first blog post. I thought this entry would be needed so to explain to people and clients why i was blogging, but i realized that this list was important for me in the first place, to further understand why i was so attracted to… Continue reading 10 reasons to blog
always more about blogging
Interesting threads on this blog, about blogging (and hey, some of my stuff from ‘10 reasons why blogging is good for you‘ is up there!). I have just come to know the term ‘blogging evangelist’. Sure the meaning fits to me, but it still snd a little too strong to use. As it is with… Continue reading always more about blogging
Print my blog
some time ago, Antoine and i were discussing how cool it would be to be able to print out book versions of our blogs. We discussed how to develop the idea but never went further. Someone else did it, let’s see how well it works…
Testing MarsEdit
Woah oh hehe, cool! Currently playing in iTunes: In Particular by Blonde Redhead
lilo & orchid’s blog
En grande première, lilo’s first official post: * lilo & orchid’s blog.
Thunder and lightning
heye, je sais pas qu’est ce qui se passe, mais v’la que même dan se remet à écrire… Moi qui est de loin la seule geek dans mon groupe d’amis, ca m’aidera à me sentir moins différente d’eux. * UEL’s blog * * * À venir, suite à une conversation que j’ai eu avec chumé… Continue reading Thunder and lightning
Riot girl: Miss Kittin’s diary
Havn’t u aready read it, you should really do so. She really rock, you can feel it in her words.. Writing about life, touring, rock ‘n roll, how to live in germany while not speaking german (uh, do i recognize myself here??), german police and the finanzamt, with some nice scribbles. Here we go: *… Continue reading Riot girl: Miss Kittin’s diary
Ed introduce us (at least ME) to protoblogging: protoblogging — when you blog pre-written stuff that you would have blogged if you had had a blog back then.
Why blogs are no Tamagochis
Tamagochis are isolated. Weblogs are connected. Tamagochis die. Weblogs mature. Tamagochis get boring over time. Weblogs get more interesting over time. Tamagochis don’t make friends. Weblogs create networks. [picture taken at BlogWalk, Vienna, via Heiko Hebig]
what u get for $2
Turn any website into an RSS feed for $2. Bootleg RSS, a service for scraping websites and turning them into RSS, is taking requests. If there’s a site you’d like RSS-ified, ping Carlo and he’ll make it into a feed for $2. Now, I’ve thought about the how. Hosting feeds costs money, scraping feeds is… Continue reading what u get for $2
It’s like a whole other country up here
It was real fun to read Maciej’s post about his arriving and his first views of montreal. (…) The city is covered with durable, defaced posters for the Bloc Québecois (Un Parti Propre Au Québec), the Parti Conservateur (Vous N’Avez Rien A Perdre) the Equipe Martin (Nous Sommes Vraiment Desolés) and the NDP (Ne Nous… Continue reading It’s like a whole other country up here
Blogtalk vienna
Anyone, knows, anything, like this happening around here?
It could have been me
It could have been you. It could have been me. It could have been a close friend of us… Go on. Live your life as fully and loud as you can. There might be no tomorrow. ’cause we’re all in this together… * read nika * read boris
Twist it
(14:44:00) A.J.: hey (14:44:22) m-c: hey (14:44:28) m-c: how is it going (14:44:30) A.J.: what’s new? (14:44:38) A.J.: well, not a lot (…) (14:56:55) A.J.: anyway (14:57:02) A.J.: on the blogger side of things, there was some sad news (14:57:11) m-c: what? (14:57:46) A.J.: someone who had come to a couple of YULBlog meetings died… Continue reading Twist it
rencontre yulblog de ce soir et sprint nocturnes
De retour de la rencontre yulblog de ce soir.. C’est jamais évident de se présenter comme ca, veux veux pas, un peu à nus devant des gens qui connaissent nos vies.. Surtout que ce soir, à ma grande surprise, 20 personnes étaient attablées quand je suis arrivé. Encore plus gênant, Maxime qui se présente et… Continue reading rencontre yulblog de ce soir et sprint nocturnes
When we hit reality
While Yulblog, our mtl bloggers group, is trying to grow up (around 80 people are on the yulblog list but about 15-20 people show up to meetings), it looks like london is gonna have a major bloggers meeting!
The most influential reporters and bloggers on the web
BlogRunner: BlogRunner Top Weblog Authors
The end of webpages design?
(if you’re a web designer, maybe it’s better for you not to read this post) Interesting post on Kottke about content syndication: I think we should probably stop calling it syndication. If you read the post, you’ll find yourself browsing trough an article about microcontent: (…) These two client programs (apple’s sherlock and Watson) are… Continue reading The end of webpages design?
An interesting discussion is gonna take place soon about how to make money from your blog. Interesting question at the start: should we or should we not try to get some money out of a hobby as blogging? Honestly, i have no problem with people trying to get some bucks out of their website as… Continue reading Blog$