There are some people i wish i could have met, some genius who already passed out that i will never get to meet – so it is about Tibor Kalman. Something tell me that i could have learn much from a men like him. I would have probably been so impress by his energy and… Continue reading Larger than life.
Category: Arts & Craft
AND ORANGE IS MY FAV COLOR. (via the toine).
The world is full of genius. f*g genius.
hm hm – erh. I’d never heard of TED before, did you? Technology entertainment design – a 4 days conference, but wait, keep on reading ‘caus it gets muchos interesting. TED is different, i do believe it is.: – TED bring together about 800 movers/leaders/shakers – topics seems to converge around technology AND entertainment design… Continue reading TED
Oldschool? you said oldschool?
head decoration services
Where did étienne lose his hair? At the head decoration services chez Vickie.
Idols – Bjork
I just can’t get rid of watching this video. I posted some stills of ‘Who is it’ and ‘Triumph of a heart’ directed by Spike Jonze on my flickr page. You can also watch both videos using the media player on the medulla webpage.
ha ben esti, il a enfin mis dekoi en ligne. ha ben coudonc, elle a enfin un blog.
Jennifer Lee’s photography
Fer chriss sake’s, when i visit toronto next time, i want you to take portraits of myself!
This started my week. I love art. i am obsessed by lines. human made lines, the ones you can feel some nervousness in, an unsure, see shaking hand. His book, Everyday matters, is such a piece of inspiration.
FITC 2005
Design and Technology festival will be held in toronto next april. Confimed speakers include: – Michael Cina Michael Young – Amy Franceschini – Tom Muller – Yugo Nakamura – David Carson Student price is quite afordable.. 125$, regular pass is 450$. * FITC 2005
When ideas follow intuition
Congrats to my designer friend guylaine who followed her intuition by sending to Veer, a stock image company, an advent calendar she has created while recycling their catalogs. Veer posted about it on their website – seems like they loved the result. Congrats to my friend!
‘Give me a kiss’ ‘Really?’ ‘Yeah, why not?’
Ce soir je me suis tapé la comédie romantique par excellence. Absolument sublime, je me demande pourquoi j’ai pas vu ce film auparavant. ‘Give me a kiss’ ‘Really?’ ‘Yeah, why not? Why dont we kiss now so there won’t be all this tension between us and then we can digest our food better? So we… Continue reading ‘Give me a kiss’ ‘Really?’ ‘Yeah, why not?’
Cold german landscapes
Haiko hebig offer wonderful still pictures on his site – for those of us who are missing these cold german landscapes… *
Free Roadsworth!
Well worth taking action, i do agree with patrick and zeke‘s posts. (…) we got an ugly situation here, an artist who is going to be having a show here in 2005 is currently facing potential jail time, and/ some very serious charges. He has been charged with 85 counts of public mischief. Zeke has… Continue reading Free Roadsworth!
Standing on a melody – The Ipod Serie.
Some of my new work is now online, The Ipod Serie. The ipod serie was inspired not only by the device itself, but more of it being the music we are traveling with. Walking my way trough life with music playing makes life as a movie, makes me feel that everything’s gonna be allright, all… Continue reading Standing on a melody – The Ipod Serie.
Paula Scher & Pentagram
A well inspiring video directed by Hillman Curtis about designer Paula Scher. What struck me the most is when she talks about the place left for spontaneity in her work – that she gives herself permission to create something in a flash, a second, without having to go trough a long (and sometime difficult) creative… Continue reading Paula Scher & Pentagram
Home is where the art is
I have been browsing enough to make my poor eyes hurt. Don’t stop ’till you get enough, that’s what they say hm? Your turn now – street art at his best: *
Adobe Books Color
A really nice, organic rather than rational way to sort out books – by their color. * AdobeBooksColor * AdobeBooksColor 2 (found via martine’s blog)
souk @ sat ::: deuxième édition
Avis aux âmes créatives : Le SOUK est un événement qui permet aux jeunes créateurs/designers montréalais de proposer au public leurs dernières créations d ans un cadre convivial et décontracté. Date de soumission, samedi le 20 novembre! * souk @ sat ::: deuxième édition
Flash in the can: Joshua Davis
Here is a short review of Joshua Davis‘s conference at Flash in the Can on oct. 23th 2004. Hope it can give you some sort of the vibe i had leaving this conference. * * * Joshua Davis – Dynamic abstraction – J. Davis skills as an artist and programmer are both strong… Continue reading Flash in the can: Joshua Davis
Things are getting sticky.
Gluekit, interesting stuff out there.. * Gluekit website
Pixelate this world
I do kind of like this statue… * inertia deserves a statue
If architects had to work like web designers…
La comparaison est des plus intéressante puisqu’elle me permet depuis longtemps de faire comprendre mon processus de développement aux clients, et ce, en me servant de métaphores relatives à l’architecture (les plans etc.) Bien voici quelque chose d’assez rigolo qui représente bien mon day to day de d.a. : * If architects had to work… Continue reading If architects had to work like web designers…
COlab, C505 and more
all links i have been collecting this week, but i have no time to comment them. Enjoy. * COlab projects * Crankbunny – robot to brickwall * C505 Projects * Reservocation mag
Logan, ACNE and J. Davis’s work
Hell nice. Logan‘s work for Apple, VH1, Gap, Aiga, is absolutely stunning. Check out the rogers/yahoo adds.. slick and clean, and the snd is just great — how i like it. Also see the VH1 spot (the first of the 3 shown there). * * * Do someone remember Netbaby world? I remember this guy… Continue reading Logan, ACNE and J. Davis’s work
I have been collecting links all week
but had no time to post them. So here we go: * Plus et plus, impressive motion portfolio there.. oh my oh my.. * Ogi, fine illustration * Justin Broadbent, really really nice web design stuff. This guy actually made his degree at concordia uni. Dont miss the Robin cumming and Harche websites he did.… Continue reading I have been collecting links all week
Since i had a Mario Bros addiction when i was 12, nothing much has been going on gamewise for me (other than some snowboard or car racing games once in a while). Now, with monsieur p. working into game design, im am introduced into the world of video games. Here is a video of a… Continue reading Okami
Apple and Hp
Check out 3 short pieces done by WeWorkForThem for the ipod: * you + hp 1 * you + hp 2 * you + hp 3
Centre de Design de l’uqam
En ligne depuis hier, et si vous voulez mon avis -wow- superbe boulot, je suis franchement étonnée. La simplicité de la grille, un choix judicieux des couleurs, un style hautement européen très épuré font du site un des plus séduisant que j’ai vu dernièrement. Et vous savez quoi? Ca m’a l’air tout fait made in… Continue reading Centre de Design de l’uqam
Guylaine Couture – design graphique
Mon amie Guylaine a mis en ligne son nouveau site. Franchement bien, c’est un site à voir – pour la qualité et la simplicitée du layout en plus de la qualité des projets. Très inspirant surtout. * . . . gycouture. . . design graphique . . .
Expo Rudi Baur
Trouvé via Hippopocampe : Le vernissage de l’exposition du designer graphique Rudi Baur au centre de design de l’uqam est demain soir le 22 septembre à 18h. Bah qu’elle se dit. Je savais même pas. En fait, le site de M.Baur m’a donné une sacrée migraine pas plus tard que la semaine dernière. Mais ye… Continue reading Expo Rudi Baur
JPG Magazine
via They’re called “photobloggers” – a sloppy term for sloppy times. They’re people who, armed with cameras ranging from cheap to expensive, film to digital, wander the streets documenting their world and posting the results to the web. In another time they would have been called artists. Personal documentarians. But we have a simpler… Continue reading JPG Magazine
Nuno Felipe video
this is, kinda really nicelly made.. * nuno felipe video.
One of the first ‘online mag’ which i think is well done. I am surely sick of the flipping pages effect that many people tried to reproduce as in paper books. I think this one is finally up for the web and the design is just so slick. * SPUNK v1