
Un nénoooooorme merci à antoine qui a pris de son temps pour m’aider en gossant du code pour que mon site fonctionne sur mon nouveau serveur (dreamhost by the way). Alors oui, c’est fait, est maintenant en ligne, et je vais bientôt pouvoir me réaproprier (message important ici : enregistrez donc vos domaines… Continue reading Merci!

Categorized as News

500 500 500!

Weeeeee! 3 years soon, 5 designs and 470 comments later, this entry mark my 501ième post!

New work

I have made a major update to my portfolio site, adding all the work i have been doing over the last year: * 8 new illustrations, * 5 new paintings, * 1 new comic, * 3 new collages, * and some new design projects (Uel cd covers, vu d’ici flyers, and web design stuff). Beside… Continue reading New work

Categorized as Projects


Yes i’m gonna say so. So sa say so, yes i’m gonna say no. Ha ya, say so, oh no. Yes, i’m gonna say so. Please don’t expect anything, else than a no, say so ha a no yo. I can’t tell why, but yes i thought about what i’m gonna say, so.

Categorized as __/* ///*

Centre de Design de l’uqam

En ligne depuis hier, et si vous voulez mon avis -wow- superbe boulot, je suis franchement étonnée. La simplicité de la grille, un choix judicieux des couleurs, un style hautement européen très épuré font du site un des plus séduisant que j’ai vu dernièrement. Et vous savez quoi? Ca m’a l’air tout fait made in… Continue reading Centre de Design de l’uqam

Music videos

As i already wrote, i just can’t get enough of this song (of these adorable guys too– and oh, the video is just too cool). Also found via, Fat Boy Slim: Slash Dot Dash. Je me souviens d’avoir entendu qqchose de très cool dans le genre, sur l’émission macadam tribu. Une chanson ou on… Continue reading Music videos

Categorized as Music

Guylaine Couture – design graphique

Mon amie Guylaine a mis en ligne son nouveau site. Franchement bien, c’est un site à voir – pour la qualité et la simplicitée du layout en plus de la qualité des projets. Très inspirant surtout. * . . . gycouture. . . design graphique . . .

On aime de plus en plus ca

Comme antoine écrit sur son blog, le phénomène du blog commence à faire jaser les médias québecquois. En retard vous direz? Vaut mieux tard que jamais je vous répondrai. La tendance de l’heure consiste à documenter sa vie. Nous sommes en train de devenir des archivistes instantanés de notre vie.   En un an, les blogues… Continue reading On aime de plus en plus ca

Expo Rudi Baur

Trouvé via Hippopocampe : Le vernissage de l’exposition du designer graphique Rudi Baur au centre de design de l’uqam est demain soir le 22 septembre à 18h. Bah qu’elle se dit. Je savais même pas. En fait, le site de M.Baur m’a donné une sacrée migraine pas plus tard que la semaine dernière. Mais ye… Continue reading Expo Rudi Baur


Huoh, busy week. First, Champ libre, du 20 au 27 septembre : Champ Libre présentera la 6e édition de la Manifestation Internationale Vidéo et Art Électronique, Montréal sous le thème DÉSERT qui sera diffusée sur un site urbain et industriel en pleine mutation. Lors de cet événement unique, l’incinérateur des Carrières, lieu inspiré et choisi… Continue reading agenda

Categorized as Going out


Dernière journée d’été guys.. Will be celebrating it tonight. Still dont know how, but definitely will. *** Update *** looks like we’re gonna celebrate tonight around a beer, anyone wanna join please mail me!


I should be reading but i am not. I should be drawing, but i am not. I should be painting, but i am not. I should be watching the third six feet under second season dvds, but i will do it later. Instead, i am thinking of monsieur p. He wrote me today about how… Continue reading Life

JPG Magazine

via They’re called “photobloggers” – a sloppy term for sloppy times. They’re people who, armed with cameras ranging from cheap to expensive, film to digital, wander the streets documenting their world and posting the results to the web. In another time they would have been called artists. Personal documentarians. But we have a simpler… Continue reading JPG Magazine

Lili Rose’s blog

Félicitation à lili rose qui a mit son blog en ligne ce weekend. Une autre belle recrue pour la blogosphère québecquoise! I think I’m gonna discuss about what I love: creativity, books, chocolate, jewels, art, multimedia and so on… I’m gonna discuss about things that I hate: my job (for now), my job and my… Continue reading Lili Rose’s blog

Mary Oliver

“When it’s over, I want to say: all my life I was a bride married to amazement. I was a bridegroom, taking the world into my arms. When it’s over, I don’t want to wonder if I have made of my life something particular, and real. I don’t want to find myself sighing and frightened… Continue reading Mary Oliver

United States of the World

J’en parle parce que c’est une belle initiative et parce que c’est fait par des gens d’ici. We all know that i am not so much into politics, but these days, it’s kind of difficult -see impossible- not to care about it. Found via Since the end of the Cold War, the United States… Continue reading United States of the World


One of the first ‘online mag’ which i think is well done. I am surely sick of the flipping pages effect that many people tried to reproduce as in paper books. I think this one is finally up for the web and the design is just so slick. * SPUNK v1

Weekly obsession: Weezer

I know i have been lazy, but here’s a new track, for this week’s obsession: Island in the sun – Weezer When you’re on a holiday You can’t find the words to say All the things that come to you And I wanna feel it too On an island in the sun We’ll be playing… Continue reading Weekly obsession: Weezer

Categorized as Music

Powerbook G4 for sale

I am selling the following: 15” Apple Powerbook G4 Titanium 550 mhz 128 mb RAM 20 GB harddisk Was bought in europe in 12/2001, German keyboard as well as european power adapter. One key is a little broke but still work, might be fixed by someone who knows how. 1050$ Can. mail me at m-c… Continue reading Powerbook G4 for sale

Categorized as News

i am now wifi

Got my new computer, fully equipped with an airport card. This means, i surely will be trying out some of our mtl hotspots. Since i am new to this, here’s a quick list of how to get going with wifi in mtl: * Ile sans fil Vous pouvez consulter un article sur les gens derrière… Continue reading i am now wifi

My song

Un liens découvert via monsieur p. ‘Let them sing it for you’ is an art radio project. Type in your msg and let some of the world greatest stars give voice to it! * here’s mine!

Milky elephant

to cheer you up guys on this never ending friday afternoon… * Milky Elephant – Pee-Mail and some really nicely made video stuff, also by milky elephant, * L’Faux 07 also check all the other ones on their website. Nice nice!

Dating in 2004 (part 2)

Découvert sur Le blogue d’Organigramme, un concept pour faciliter la vie aux séducteurs. Génial! Moin génial, ca semblerait être une copie (presque) conforme d’une idée déjà existante…

Pecan pie

I, starting from today, will stop using ‘chumé’ as a nickname for my new friend, for a simple reason being that i can -now that i know him a little more and that he just doesn’t know what chumé means and i cant find the right word to translate cette expression qui nous viens tout… Continue reading Pecan pie

2 new picture albums

I have uploaded 2 new picture albums: * victo on the beach – pictures i took on my last trip to my hometown * canal lachine – pictures i took last week while a long bike ride along canal lachine in montreal all for now.

Categorized as Travels

Journée grafika sur le design web

I for sure will be there. Who else? * * * 15 septembre à l’ex centris. Au programme, le flash de James Paterson ( et Francisoco Sottolichio (Mr. Edgar). * Journée Grafika

Bjork – Medulla

Her new album is out real soon. It’s gonna be something of a unique work of art: the music, arrangements, the artwork – absolutely all of it. She is one of the most original, creative and authentic pop icon of the 90’s (and of the years to come, i am sure). A swirl of inspiration,… Continue reading Bjork – Medulla

Categorized as Music

Big time siesta

as lilo wrote, i am officially and happily on holidays for the next 2 weeks. Yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiippppppppppiiiiiieeeeeeee!!! * * * It’s now 14h. first day of my holidays. God it feels great. i feel like i have all the time in the world.

Categorized as News

Mel et Meb

Friend Mel and her band are playing tomorrow night aux bobards, sur st-laurent. * Gadji-Gadjo. et pis Meb récitera de ses poèmes dans volet découverte de la soirée Solovox, ce soir à l’utopik, 552, rue Ste-Catherine Est.

Categorized as Going out