Mena G. Trott and Ben Trott people of the Year

And this started as a hobby…

According to Technorati, a new weblog is created every 5.8 seconds, or about 15,000 new blogs a day. There are blogs out there for everyone, and the audience is growing: A February 2004 study by the Pew Internet & American Life Project says about 11 percent, or about 50 million, of Internet users are regular blog readers.
–> 11%?? in my world, everyone is reading at least 1 blog… It is still not as mainstream as i thought?!?

Husband and wife Ben and Mena G. Trott founded Six Apart Ltd. in 2002. Based in San Mateo, California, Six Apart makes Movable Type, a weblog publishing application that installs on your Web server, and TypePad, a hosted weblogging service. With the huge popularity and growing importance of the blog this year, it is fitting that we award the founders of Blogger and Six Apart our People of the Year 2004

Source: PC Magazine: People of the Year