Inspiration benevolence

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There is a silent revolution going on, a guerilla of creatives, leaving their footprints around. Goodness is spreading, slowly, but surely – and we each can be a part of it, but only by taking action, even the smallest one.

The picture above is from Natalija’s flower gifting – yes, gifting. Walking around and leaving flowers for strangers to discover, on the wiper of their car, at the feet of their door. Botanical benevolence she calls it.

Amongst many other inspiring activities, there is the Hope Revolution website which encourages you to create notes with messages of hope and leave them in public places. Visit their website, and flickr group.

This oh-so-needed inspiration benevolence should be an easy and fun thing to do, and as Christine suggested, you can make the difference in someone’s day with simple gestures: using chalks to write on streets, or add little notes to car wiper – whatever how, make it easy for your message to be shared!


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