Litière bio 2ième partie, et Weleda

On en avait déjà parlé sur Vu d’ici, et le chat de Janick a fait le test. Ce mercredi l’émission La vie en vert fera un topo sur la litière bio!

Pendant qu’on est dans les achats écolos, voici ma sélection écosanté du mois: déo Weleda à la sauge pour lui, Wild Rose déo pour moi, dentifrice végétal Weleda et savon à linge écofriendly de chez Lemieux. J’ai aussi déniché le livre ‘Tout sur le Compost‘.

Eco Shopping

Je suis une consommatrice aguérie des produits Weleda depuis ma tranche de vie Allemande, moment où j’ai découvert l’anthroposophie et son fondateur Rudolf Steiner dont je vous ai déjà parlé.

Voici un court résumé sur l’origine de la marque, ainsi que l’inspirante signification derrière le nom Weledas, ou déesses aux mystérieux pouvoirs de guérison…

Weleda Company was founded in Europe in 1921 in collaboration with Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), Austrian born scientist, educator and philosopher. Steiner conceived the philosophy known as anthroposophy which, in very broad terms, sees the human being as a totality of body, soul and spirit standing between nature and the cosmos.

A group of European physicians became interested in Steiner’s teachings, which also touched on the causes of illness. After a series of study courses and lectures beginning in 1920, an anthroposophical clinic was founded along with medical laboratory in Arlesheim, Switzerland. Medicines were made based on guidelines supplied by the doctors. This laboratory quickly expanded. Franchises were soon opened in Germany, England, France, Holland and other countries and given the name Weleda. In America, Weleda was incorporated in 1931. Since 1994, Weleda, Inc. is a subsidiary of Weleda AG, Arlesheim, Switzerland.

“Weledas” or “Velledas” were Celtic wise women who guided their followers to an understanding of nature. Traces of them are found in Ireland, Germany and France.

The last individual to bear the name “Weleda” was mentioned by the Roman historian Tacitus. According to Tacitus, Weleda was a healer priestess who, at the beginning of the Christian era, lived near a famous shrine by the river Lippe. She was a seer and prophetess respected by the Germanic tribes. She was taken prisoner by the Romans and died in Rome about 80 AD.

1 comment

  1. M-C dans les produits Weleda que je chéris, il y a une sensationnelle huile à l’arnica qui fait de vrai miracles sur les muscles endoloris et sent bon la lavande. À essayer pour l’adopter!
    Une personne convaincue.
    Seul bémol : les produits sont importés et les prix s’en ressentent.

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