Second day at the conference, the internet connection is not usable, sorry for slow posting.
I missed the first part of the day, there was no way for me to get up with sleeping an hour for the last 2 nites. Its now 14h.
Mena speech:
did i missed something? 10 minutes of slides about ‘What SixAppart learned from bloggers’ – uh, they love to post pictures and be asked questions, but what else? what’s next?
I would have rather loved to hear about what’s gonna be blogging in the next 10 years, following what they learned…
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also here, kinda disapointing and not so entertaining. A demo of what is second life is not what i needed, i want to know what’s next, what are the most extraordinairy things happening in SL? What are people doing beside creating their avatars, going to clubs and… waiting for their screen to laod?
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Loic LeMeur invited politicians to come and drop by the conference, granting them 30 minutes on stage. I really wonder how appropriate is that, considering it more like a marketing strategy for LLM to be a little more into the media and into the politicians surroundings.
The security around is high, there is tension in the air and panels are chopped so to fit the politicians speeches in a agenda which was already full.
From LLM’s blog: La présence de Monsieur Shimon Peres demain à notre conférence le Web3 lui donne une dimension nouvelle. J’ai décidé d’inviter s’ils le souhaitent trois des candidats de premier plan à la présidentielle afin qu’ils rencontrent s’ils les souhaitent les entrepreneurs et blogueurs du web mondial
Dont get me wrong, i’m sure this kind of experience is unique (Shimon Peres’s speach was astounishing i heard) but again, the real objective behind this is kinda obscur… or not: having LLM at the head of Paris’s own Sillicon Valley?.
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17H, David Weinberger’s speech:
– about the politician speeches today: ‘they seemed to have forgot, its our internet, not their internet!!!’
– blogging in politics = giving up control
– blogging is in the essence messy and organic
– no links no web
– bloggers are not afraid of loosing readers by putting external links all around (links to other blogs for exemple), BUT, trad media is extremly afraid of loosing readers, keeping external links to a minimum
– bloggers find the interesting stuff to talk about, as humans do
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end of conference: bbw movement details
thanks for the story.
Woua! Je sent un peu de déception. La LoicLeMeur-mania t’agacerait elle ? Je trouve que son omniprésence sur la toile fait penser à celle de Nicolas Sarkozy sur le TV française.
N’y avait il vraiment rien d’intéressant ? Pas d’indice sur le face du web 3.0, même pas sur le web 2.5 ?