Hello, my name is Monica

M-C very kindly invited me to write on her Blog. Seeing my nervousness about being interesting, she reassured me, asking me to simply write about the new artists and new music I get on my online store. Easy!

My business partner and I have developed a fair trade music store where independent artists of all genres are able to upload their music themselves, set their own prices and basically control everything to do with their music. This means that I see a lot of new music as I work on the store’s catalogue. But that’s the problem for me – music has become work and that’s why I’m afraid of being boring! (Plus the fact that I can be terribly serious.)

So here is what I told myself – I’ll just be me. I’ll tell you about the artists I get to know and their music, but from my perspective (hard to do otherwise of course, but what I mean is that I won’t even pretend to be objective!). I’ll probably also tell you about fair trade, accessibility, democracy and the power of solidarity because that’s how I run my music store – I don’t do it for the music, I do it for the people that love music, which means almost everyone.

Without music, life would be a mistake (Friedrich Nietzsche).

Monica from Bluetracks.ca