What is a blog, what is a blogger?

Blogger: a human being using the internet as a medium to express & report about what moved him. Using words, pictures, photos and videos, the blogger often reahmicks content from different sources like traditionnal media, community sites, other blogs and content providers.

fr : Personnage utilisant internet comme un médium pour s’exprimer et diffuser de l’information sur différents sujets qui le passionnent. Utilisant les mots, la photo, le vidéos, le blogueur remix régulièrement les contenus de différentes sources provenant des médias traditionnels, des communautées en ligne, d’autres blogues et de sites à contenus.

Blog: provides the blogger with the necessary tools & space to freely publish content on the web.


  1. Nice. It allow really “multi” formats to be expressed through blogging (not just writting). I agree that “blog” definition had to evolve to embrace all content expressions thought Internet as a channel. This isn’t blogging anymore as we were used to, old ‘pa.

  2. yes! i talked about it in my presentation, you’ll get more on this if you check the slide with the different blog types 🙂

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