Vu d’ici:
This blog managed trough typepad since a little more than a year now is gonna be moved back to MT. Expect more features and easier navigation, early next year. I am quite happy to finally be working on the new layout and code, i feel so much more in control – not that typepad isn’t good, but getting back to the old MT just gives me more flexibility and freedom. Expect (another) url change, again.
Mobile and internet provider:
I am currently with fido pre-paid services and wanna move to another level in january – i will need a good but cheap provider, a new cellphone with camera in + a new internet provider ‘caus bell sucks (i currently have dsl with bell for 28$/month).
Is there a good cellphone & high speed internet deal somewhere which is affoardable?
On est aware en nesti en plus!
Ouin, j’avais la switch du verbo-moteur a “ON” hier soir, j’ai tellement parl
moi j’ai tellement ri que j’ai encore des crampes…
En effet, excellente soir
Non je parle pas toujours autant, mais ts
After eating dinner at Au Pied du Cochon last night it’s probably a good thing that Martine and I didn’t stick around for la banquise! Ayoye! Crise du foie! 🙂
Blork: you just can’t get sick with beer and poutine, they are the best combination ever… even better at 3a.m… 😉
Excellent soir
oui, si on peut etre plusieurs personnes et s’entendre parler, sinon alex sugg
Hoo yeah, mais y’a pas beaucoup de pentes entre Montr
Ya des pentes (avec remonte pente un peu niaiseux) juste derri
I’m also on the 25$ Fido unlim. local incoming plan, it’s a real deal. Also as always Fido has by-the-second billing from the first second, which is great !
I know Bell sucks… Videotron is quite reliable, I don’t think you need full-blown ultra high speed though. Regular cable speed should fit your needs.