Creating money, keys to abundance.
I’v hesitated a lot before writing about this book online. First, because of the title of the book, i was wondering if my friends would not judge me seeing the kind of stuff i am reading. But now, i think i have no problem to write about it, and more, i am reading one more of this series of books by sanaya roman.
Creating money, Keys to abundance, should be a bedside table book for everyone into remodeling and re-thinking a career. The techniques explained in the book are sometimes close to the ones described in Creative Visualisation (by shakti gawain), but the key lines are the same. The book is a part of a serie called “companion books”, and i dont think i need to explain here what this mean.
So, put judgment aside, and have a look at this book or any other book by the same author. They are great and full of inspiration and wisdom.