Creative overdose…

The last days were awesome. I start to realize the positive impact of not working full time in a agency, and yes, it feels good. Yes, there are hard times, but also in agency i got periods of really high stress which were far away of being healthy.

I think being your own boss, you get ups and downs, but the ups are really really high, at least, that’s what I have to deal with since I left my job. I got anxiety crisis, but also what I can call “creativity crisis”. This mean, after some down days, were I haven’t been able to produce anything good, that I got no motivation and got a bit depress, then are coming the high times. Then, get ready because it wont stop before some days! I mix up my things, get the night cream on my face at morning, overbake everything because I’m doing 5 things at the same time, my notepad is getting totally full of ideas, my sleeping schedule just disappear, I go from 9 hours of sleep per night to 4, 5 or 6, and once in bed, I keep the notepad beside, ideas are still ruining around in my head and I just cant sleep.

I could find that quite exhausting, but no, I realize now how I’ve repressed so much stuff, so many ideas in the last years, because of my own censorship and the so well know “whatwilltheothersthink”, so ideas just stayed inside me… I feel like I just “pressed the lid on the cauldron” for too long, and now I have to deal with a somehow kind of creativity overdose. But it feels really good, and I hope it stays like that for a while…

My best creative moments…

First of all, late at night.. I always used to get up really early to go to work, and after my day of work, I got totally tired and felt in bed not later than 11 or 12pm. Since I’m working at home, I get up around 10am, and start the real work (illustration, painting, or anything creative) around 10 or 11pm until 2 or 3am. I don’t know why, maybe because this is totally private time, nobody’s calling, everything is so quiet, the day is over and I did my other task during the day so I can really totally concentrate on my personal stuff.


Second thing I need, something nice to drink. My usual cinnamon yogi tea with honey (I have to take care to not forget the oven on when boiling water), or my all time favorite baileys.

After that, my environment. Nice music (I’m actually playing out loud the bjork live concert from last October in Chicago), plants (especially tulip and lilac!), my favorite books lying all around, colored post it everywhere, and everything else which makes me feel good. Its so nice to work at home…


And with all that, the best is to have one or my two cats sleeping in the room, or even under the light on my table.. Then everything is perfect (oops, I almost forgot, the TV as to be turned on in the living room. I cant hear what’s on but it feels god to hear some background noise 😉

That’s all for now, but i guess there will be more soon…