Aline Apostolska

“J’écris, je crois, surtout pour témoigner et transmettre.” « Je crois que mon espace de travail en témoigne. C’est un espace ouvert, une partie de mon salon, où j’écris à mon bureau (don d’Hélène Dorion…), ou dans le canapé (cadeau de mes fils), ou dans mon lit, en silence généralement, toute la nuit ou toute… Continue reading Aline Apostolska

New nomads

I’m an expat. Moving around, feeling free AND comfortable is what i crave for. I remember being 8 years old, sitting in our little suburb bungalow, watching television (way too much of it, due to accute boredom) and thinking — “there must be a way to see the world, outside this TV screen!“. This must… Continue reading New nomads

Le réveil de Blanche-Neige

“Le monde sera sauvé par la femme occidentale” – Le Dalai Lama Cette citation a de quoi réveiller Blanche-Neige. À la question pourquoi la femme occidentale sauvera t-elle le monde, j’adore la réponse de Claire Beaumont (via Facebook) : “Nous, les femmes d’Occident, sommes parmis les seules à avoir le pouvoir ET la liberté. Non… Continue reading Le réveil de Blanche-Neige

Le poids des rêves

“Tes peurs ne sont que le poids de tes rêves” Et si c’était vrai? Et si on pouvait voir nos peurs, ce qui nous bloque et nous paralyse, comme étant des rêves déguisés, des ombres floues et obscures difficiles à identifier sous le brouillard, la distance, le vide entre maintenant et le moment où l’on… Continue reading Le poids des rêves

Making your unknown known

“Whether you succeed or not is irrelevant, there is no such thing. Making your unknown known is the important thing.” ― Georgia O’Keeffe

Your time

When you finally know who you are, honor your power, and are not the least bit concerned about what others are thinking about you, it will be Your Time. via doitgirl

New grounds

‘When we want the best for each other, when we don’t want to win if it means someone else will lose, when we know that my joy is yours and your success is mine, we all get our wishes’. This should be the basis of our new economy. Via.

Rules for being Amazing

Risk more than is required. Learn more than is normal. Be strong. Show courage. Breathe. Excel. Love. Lead. Speak you truth. Live your values. Laugh. Cry. Innovate. Simplify. Adore mystery. Release mediocrity. Aim for genius. Stay humble. Be kinder than expected. Deliver more than is needed. Exude passion. Shatter your limits. Transcend your fears. Inspire… Continue reading Rules for being Amazing

Lost in living

Woman. Artist. Mom. How inspiring! Lost in living, soon to be movie.

Categorized as Portraits


« Le journal naît volontiers d’un malaise qui cherche à se résoudre dans l’archivage de soi. C’est pourquoi il est souvent le refuge ou le remède des consciences inquiètes, perturbées, incertaines d’elles-mêmes. » HUBERT AQUIN, Journal 1948-1971

Something to chew on

“…Around the age of fifty, my ideals and values began to change. Now I see great value in laziness, understood as giving up both effort and the attempt to justify my life. I have come to appreciate the teaching I have found in many religions that praises holy ignorance. And I have been discovering how… Continue reading Something to chew on

May the force be with you

Quelques trucs ici et là… – May the force be with you : Je fais partis de ceux qui auront en 2013 un agenda Moleskine édition spéciale Star Wars. Je suis une fille comme ça. – Ceux qui me connaissent savent que je m’emballe facilement, parfois même excessivement, pour les initiatives citoyennes. Cette semaine, il… Continue reading May the force be with you


“Freedom from fear is greatest freedom enjoyed by wo-mankind.” The Honorable Sir Robert Menzies, British Parliament, 1942

The manifesto of encouragement

“Right now: There are Tibetan Buddhist monks in a temple in the Himalayas endlessly reciting mantras for the cessation of your suffering and for the flourishing of your happiness. Someone you haven’t met yet is already dreaming of adoring you. Someone is writing a book that you will read in the next two years that… Continue reading The manifesto of encouragement

No accidents

Cleaning the garage, which have been filled up for the last 30 years, i discovered an old Polaroid Camera. Not knowing how to use it, or if it was even working, i decided to play with it, ordered films (expensive films!) and 3 weeks later, here i am, completely addicted to this new toy. Each… Continue reading No accidents

Think rather than run, by Lila Rogers

At Creacamp last saturday we had this discussion about art and money, wondering how it is possible for creative folks to earn a good living doing what we love. One of the necessary elements named where Examples. Examples of people who make it well, examples of people who choose not let the outside world –… Continue reading Think rather than run, by Lila Rogers


desire: first in line, originally uploaded by hanne:: Flickr find of the day!