Hello Paris!

There is so much to write, it’s a little overwhelming. Just a few sentences would not do justice to all of what’s happening in one’s mind when moving abroad (and when abroad means Paris). My eyes can talk as well, so for now, just a few clichés should do!


It’s at this time of the year that i start to really miss the colors of summer – the light, the warmth, the fresh green color of the grass and trees.


A short winter holiday. Cold, white, windy, sunny, blue sky.


The move is on its way, we are leaving for Paris in a few weeks. After the tornado of events of the last month (xmas, new year parties, having visitors from nyc and Chris’s parents, then getting married), my mind started wondering about the changes to come, and why i wanted these changes in the… Continue reading Paris

New year

I want to get my back fit again so i can stretch and bite my toes, i want to travel and experience happiness, joy and freedom, i want this year to be great for myself and the ones i love. Happy belated new year to you!


This picture is a favorite on flickr (19 people fav’it). We need to remember that no situation will last forever – that with thought and actions, any situation could be turned upside down and disappear into something else. 2009 just has some days left, but even, it’s not over. You’ve got the choices, and the… Continue reading Choices

What i am into

– Neck warmer by Ozetta, i might order a second one soon. – Mika, ooooohhh pop music, how i love you. – Preparing our moving to Europe, Paris should be the place. – Evenings at home, with dim lights, being in the moment. – My new project, Wisdom for the brave, which will be on… Continue reading What i am into

Love and sadness

Just back from a week of chilling at the sun and swimming and reading and eating. Had a fabulous time, and i’m craving for more of it. More nature, more quiet time out of the city, more time enjoying simplicity. Just before leaving, dad called to say he’s got exams at the hospital, and came… Continue reading Love and sadness

Forgetting about money

In Utah, a modern-day caveman has lived for the better part of a decade on zero dollars a day. People used to think he was crazy. “When I lived with money, I was always lacking,” he writes. “Money represents lack. Money represents things in the past (debt) and things in the future (credit), but money… Continue reading Forgetting about money


Get the wallpaper version here. Abusive media and social networking consumption. Be cautious of how you spend your precious life.

All the wrong people have self-esteem

This book targets teenagers, but hey, i love it! It has guts, and beautiful spreads. It is vibrant, sharp, colorful and follows no rule. It is edgy and to the point. It evoke something i love to feel, and since you’re there, i’m sure you’ll like it too.

Ada Lovelace day

Ada Lovelace was celebrated yesterday, i know, but i sometimes like to be fashionably late. Putting in place the last elements before this saturday edition of Creacamp, i thought about the committee of women organizers that are supporting me in this quest – Each of them, i met over the web. They use the web… Continue reading Ada Lovelace day

Media has failed me

Did you ever asked yourself if following the news is making you a happier, better person? Did you? Ask yourself now. Does watching the news on tv, listening to radio, reading the newspaper has a positive impact on your life? I propose you try to turn all media off, and commit to spend just a… Continue reading Media has failed me


Article publié sur Jesuisfeministe.com Le thème de l’équilibre en est un qui me hante constamment – je me demande souvent pourquoi ce qui est censé me rendre heureuse peut sans préavis, créer mon malheur, comment toutes les idées, occupations et projets que je crée peuvent me mener si loin dans mon bonheur, et à d’autres… Continue reading L’équilibre