Browse baby browse

Some art related links that i have been exchanging with chumé lately. Simply stunning artwork that make you feel like you should be painting and not be browsing the web (again). * Joe sorren * mark ryden * ray caesar more: * brandonbird * remedios varo

New agenda + facts

A girl i’ve met once told me she had a blog and she really liked to write on. I asked her, ‘well, why did u stopped blogging then?’ she answered, ‘well, i felt in love with a boy’. And it was about it. Nothing more, nothing less. * * * Facts: – postings on my… Continue reading New agenda + facts


Not that much to write about. I have spent the last 2 days discussing life with antz, blowing on clouds and flowcharting and measuring moutains. Holy-day. Dan introduit un nouveau terme, la ‘lundite’, qui me plait mais avec lequel je n’ai pas à dealer puisque je ne travaille pas les lundis.

Ipod days

After dan and meb blogs, i have been introduced to francois’s blog earlier this week. Here he is, with a funny post about ipods.. he!

unordered/stamped thoughts

i still have these flashes, why that? berlin, hamburg, streets corner, buildings, places i used to be. I dreamt last night that i was back there, in the home i have left. why that? After months, images are still coming back, like waves. and there’s nothing i can do about it, they just come, like… Continue reading unordered/stamped thoughts

Thunder and lightning

heye, je sais pas qu’est ce qui se passe, mais v’la que même dan se remet à écrire… Moi qui est de loin la seule geek dans mon groupe d’amis, ca m’aidera à me sentir moins différente d’eux. * UEL’s blog * * * À venir, suite à une conversation que j’ai eu avec chumé… Continue reading Thunder and lightning

Weekly obsession: Keane

A little more of it. Just a little. One more song. I have been listening to Keane’s album on and on since 3 days, and it is of course, this week obsession: From their debut album Hopes and Fears, a blend of sumptuous and catchy melodies along with poignant verses. If you liked Travis, Radiohead… Continue reading Weekly obsession: Keane

Categorized as Music

Dating in 2004

Me and my new chumé have now shared enough saliva to go to the next step: playing ‘everything and anything you wanna know about (lover’s name here)‘. Type of question that could be used for the game are (you can also invent your own ones, be imaginative): – why did you moved over here? –… Continue reading Dating in 2004

Obsession and new work

As you can see here, something close to be called an obsession is going on with Keane’s debut album. Otherwise, i am about to finish a new painting. There’s no name for it yet. I have several new pieces that aren’t online yet, this is because i am working on a new portfolio and i… Continue reading Obsession and new work

Categorized as Projects

Under electric light’s performance

At Missy Bar on september 31th 2004. This was dan’s first live performance under the name Under electric light. Earlier collaborations where with friend and roomate Adam (from Sabola) and workmate Mathieu Rodier (guitars) as first part for Vitamines for you. We were a pretty receptive crowd, all expecting a great time between friends, eager… Continue reading Under electric light’s performance

Categorized as Music


“Salut, comment ça va?” (blabla à propos de tout et rien qui dure environ 5 minutes) “Et puis, quoi de neuf?” “Euh ben…” (là je me demande si je dois lui dire… fuck, je plonge) “Ben j’ai rencontré quelqu’un. C’est encore tout nouveau, ca fait que 2 semaines. Il est anglo (un autre que je… Continue reading Conversation

l’automne de force

I got up feeling a bit cold and sick. Drove to work, with long sleeve shirt. god damn, nooooooooo! summer has to last much longer!

Une nouvelle recrue

Toute mes félicitations à mon amie meb qui a mis en ligne hier, à 2h38, son premier blog: Chez Meb. Le premier post fait exactment 67 mots et nous promet plein de belles réflexions profondes sur le temps qu’il fait ainsi que sur sa vie d’artiste dans le jus d’orange. * Chez Meb

once upon a forest

Joshua Davis’s Once upon a Forest: A new print piece being installed at the Maxalot Gallery in Barcelona – for the upcoming “We have explosive” show. This design (#16) will be printed at 6m x 3m (19 x 9 feet) and also at 120cm x 60cm (3.89 x 1.95 feet). * once upon a… Continue reading once upon a forest

Naked & Angry

Submit a design for a fabric pattern to be voted on by other users. The design will be scored for 7 days at which time it will be given a final score. The highest scoring designs will be manufactured and products will be created from the fabric. Fabric created from the winning patterns will be… Continue reading Naked & Angry

Categorized as Projects

l’bbs, ijhnitwa

I’ll be back soon. I just have nothing interesting to write about. Or it’s just too personal..


Under electric light and Monochrome live this Saturday, July 31 at Missy Bar (250 Mont-Royal E.), 10PM, $3 followed by Razzmatazz with DJs Radiowhore & Amyl Nitrate free as of 11:30PM (after the show) * * * About PVC and Razzmatazz: (…) These days the duo continue to attempt to push the boundaries of local… Continue reading ELECTRO/POP/ROCK MUSIC BY UNDER ELECTRIC LIGHT – LIVE PERFORMANCE TOMORROW EVENING AT MISSY BAR – 22HR – JUST BE THERE!

Categorized as Going out


I’m looking for someone who can build/make binders. I need a special kind of binder.. i would like to be able to choose the size, color, materials etc. Please contact me if you have any info that could help me, thanx!

Categorized as Projects

Do i feel like to paint

Growing up in the Arizona desert and now a part of New York City’s creative community, Esao Andrews has carved himself a niche as a unique artist and painter of dark, dreamy worlds. Inhabiting the paintings is a gothic cast of strange creatures and mysterious females. * Esao Andrews’s interview * Esao Andrews’s work


uh oh… wonderfull reels from check out this one, *BL:ND and this one… *BL:ND

We all want it

iTunes music store for canada. We have money too. * iTunes Music Store for Canada Petition

One AM Radio website

I’v finally made it to find their website, there are some mp3’s to download before going to the show tonight. * :: theoneamradio :: website

Categorized as Music

going out, what for

tomorrow: One AM Radio at la sala rosa wed.: Simon (un des membres des chick&swell) fait le lancement officiel de son court métrage, au patros vys à 19h. thursday: there is something but i cant remember what saturday: dan’s playing live at missy bar, here’s what the flyer/cd cover’s gonna look like…

Categorized as Going out

Well deserved

Laying on green grass, a golden retriever sleeping at my feet, a cat on the other side, the sun shining, a view on the mountains and the last harry potter book in hand – well deserved holidays. (yes, i also have my computer with me).