Utne article on “Impeach Bush” Movement

Found on Utne online, an interesting articles on the “Impeach George W. Bush” movement.

“The rallying cry to impeach George W. Bush and key cabinet members is gaining steam on the Web, apparently completely under the mainstream media’s radar. Go to Google and enter “impeach George Bush,” and you’ll get 9,690 results, dozens of which are Web sites urging American citizens to do what the Democratic Party has not “organize and demand impeachment.”

*Read more here

Somehow i am really proud to see that people took back their power and took actions. We have to see that without all these demonstrations that have been done lately against war, maybe US would already have been taking over Irak, but there is still hope, and lots of courage was demonstrated by people around the world.

Many cities will host anti-war demonstrations this Saturday and Sunday, February 15th and 16th. This is predicted to be the largest protest in the history of the world, and we are a part of it.

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  1. Mon pays c’est l’hiver… blanc!

    Demain samedi le 15 à Montréal, les gens porteront des foulards blanc comme signe de protestation pacifique contre la guerre! Seulement intégrer un élément blanc à son habillement, sa voiture ou sa maison tout en poursuivant ses activités normales de la journée. Voilà ce que les gens sont appelés à faire!


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