Do i feel like to paint

Growing up in the Arizona desert and now a part of New York City’s creative community, Esao Andrews has carved himself a niche as a unique artist and painter of dark, dreamy worlds. Inhabiting the paintings is a gothic cast of strange creatures and mysterious females.

* Esao Andrews’s interview
* Esao Andrews’s work


  1. You could start doing this on your blog. Just write your entry on a piece of paper and scan it… 🙂

  2. already thought about it. But then, this blog would contain 1 entry per week instead of 5 entries per day..

    hopefully, one day u’r gonna read my handwritten books and i will be famous and traveling around the world.


  3. Je connaissais aussi cet artiste! Quel talent!!! Dark, strange, gloke sont des mots résumant bien son style. J’adore!!!

    J’ai lu son article sur PixelSurgeon mais ça ne raconte pas exactement à qui sont les affreux pieds… La balerine??? Me semble que ça n’a pas de bon sens.

    Geneviève 😉

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