Love and sadness

Just back from a week of chilling at the sun and swimming and reading and eating. Had a fabulous time, and i’m craving for more of it. More nature, more quiet time out of the city, more time enjoying simplicity.

Just before leaving, dad called to say he’s got exams at the hospital, and came back with bad news.

My heart is broken since. I’m hanging between darkness and the beauty that lies in hard moments: darkness as in moments where you just want to throw everything out at the window, and light as when you are grateful for a new connexion with the ones you love, a new level of sharing of who we really are and how we really feel.

Some day you wake up and realize there is just no time and space left for hiding.

Some news makes your heart so big, it’s hard to handle all the love and sadness all at once.


  1. Pour être passée par là, je crois bien comprendre ce que tu dis quand tu parles de la beauté dans ce type de moment. C’est quelque chose à vivre et on n’est plus jamais la même après en avoir fait l’expérience.

    Mes pensées sont avec toi.

  2. MC, don’t worry. I send you love and light. I’ll pray for you and for your family. In Mexico we have a saying:
    -Ocupate en lugar de preocuparte.-
    Do something instead of worrying.
    Good luck and good vibes.
    Montse Mtz

  3. Even though I don’t know you I like following your blog. I’m sorry that your heart is sad. I hope for the best possible outcome for your dad.

  4. I just came upon your blog, and it deeply touched me. I sincerely hope that all the positivity you put out into the world comes back and finds you and your family.

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