I’ve been focusing a lot over the last years about the importance of one’s own voice, the importance of doing introspective work, the importance of having a diary, written or visual, this to make things clear, or clearer, with one’s self.
As i sat and watched the above video, i realized that i’ve been writing every morning, and afternoon when possible, over the last 8 years. It is so imbued in my life that i do not even notice it anymore – a habit some would call it, but i think ritual is the right word. I’ll go at war with anyone trying to steal my time to write, it is as important as the air that i breath. Writing time is, as Natalie Goldberg says in this wonderful short video,
time where i stop and pay attention,
time where i learn to honor my life and its beauty,
time where i learn to trust my experiences,
time where i learn to connect with myself and the world around me.
I wonder, if you are not taking this time, fighting for it over all the todos that wont make a difference, if you dont take time to listen to your voice, how can you get to know who you really are? How do you connect with yourself, the roots of the tree, how do you find your color and sound, how to find where you fit in, if it’s not by freezing moments and emotions in time by putting words on paper? How can you liberate yourself of all the garbage that is stagnating inside?
I believe our experiences must go somewhere, that’s where great books, paintings, movies are coming from – all great work of arts comes from someone who dared to stop, observe, contemplate, question, and spill it all out.
Je crois que les “todos” sont souvent une excuse pour passer le temps facilement, je ne me sens pas coupable d’en laisser bcp de côté pour garder mon temps sur les choses qui comptent vraiment, certaines personnes peuvent percevoir cela comme de la paresse ou de l’immaturité (ça dépend à quel point on laisse les todos attendre bien sûr..) moi je crois plutôt que c’est l’inverse..