Tell me what you blog about and i’ll tell you who you are

Tell me you blog about meditation, yoga, about how you are exploring a new diet and how you got into composting – and i’ll tell you you’re most probably a woman blogger.


Since my blog as changed a lot over the last 2 years, taking more on the business, technology and music side, i’m less and less keen to blog about the stuff which touches me closely, and get back to a certain personal level as i did in the past, using this blog partly as a personal diary.

I miss this. I miss the real me in this blog, the girl who started to blog years ago, expressing thoughts spontaneously, showing creativity, vulnerability and sensibility.

What has changed? I am now running my own business, and it is a constant fight to keep being authentic, without being afraid of what could happen if i would not hide my thoughts, not being afraid of people’s judgment, as i did at the start – happily blogging for myself, and a few others.

Using a blog as an explorative and creative channel is great, if you can open yourself up. Looking at my writing-drawing journal today, Chris asked me if i could imagine blogging this kind of stuff again with some parts of my blog under private access. It made me realize how much of myself i am hiding, in fear of judgment and criticism. Oh dear, where is the real me? But hey, this place is mine!

* * *

So if i blog about my yoga and meditation practice, my diving into food and exploration of different diets, my researches about urban composting, will you tell yourself ‘oh, how girly?’

Today i read Joi Ito’s blog, which i did not read since a long while, and found all of the above listed topics on the front page. The king of GeeKingdom himself has exposed thousands of other geeks to the world of self awareness – so what am i waiting for?

I’ll start blogging for myself again. Because this whole thing is about exploration, and sharing, to some degree, the real stuff, the real me.


  1. C’est drôle, moi aussi j’ai vu mon style changer avec le temps. Je blogue depuis moins longtemps que toi (3 ans) mais j’ai pris la même tangente: moins de perso, plus de socio. Mais je me laisse beaucoup de pointes perso encore… Quoique je ne parle presque jamais de ma pratique de Yoga! Et pour des raisons différentes; peur de paraître freak-grano-écolo-too-much? naah, too late. Mais plutôt parce que je me dis qu’il y a tant à dire là-dessus que j’ai voulu en faire un blogue à part entière et puis… plus rien! Je n’ai pas réussi à l’alimenter, même si j’ai tenté de le faire en tandem avec ma prof de Yoga! Je pense qu’on pourrait faire un blogue collectif sur le Yoga, là, il resterait vivant! 😉

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