Still in-between 2 worlds

Oh yes, here they are. I’ve picked them up at the airport on thursday night, and the process was really exhausting. I had to try to stay calm the whole day and during the period where i had to get all the paper stuff ready, knowing that my cats where kept into boxes since 20 hours and mostly sure they were also pretty exhausted of the travel.

After 2 hours of struggle with the customs people i finally took the cats to their new home. They seemed a bit confused but overall ok, except that they dont sleep at night.

I am getting a little more settle down into my new flat, but i still feel in-between 2 worlds. Flashback of my ‘not so old’ life are still coming every now and then, letting me feel confused and sad again. I guess things will be like that for quite a while… Its still not so easy and i am always wondering if i am taking it easy because i am recovering or if i am just giving up and being a lazy girl taking advantage of the situation to keep all her projects in the closet…

Much to think of, but i try to enjoy my new life as much as i can. Its autumn here, the weather is nice, friends and family are close, all of this is pretty new for me, but really nice.