! “☺►/streetart#───█ -_- ©██’s photos

On my trip in Berlin i wrote on Bandeapart.fm’s blog about Streetart grafitis all over the city, Berlin being a canvas for the artist.

Bastien is now in berlin and has met the artist, check it out here.

He was kind enough to accept to meet me at his ‚Äúinvalid beach‚Äù on InvalidenStrasse and he explained me that he began to make streetart around 1992 in west Germany and then moved around 1995 to Berlin. Some people told me that he was actually one of the first streetartists here, he was drawing some ‚Äú6″ on the walls everywhere, leaving the city guessing what was about to happen… He is now often invited in different squatts in european capitals to show his work.

So we met at ‚ÄúInvalid Beach‚Äù, it’s like a big hole in the street, between two buildings, one building is missing and there’s that hole instead. At first I thought it was a public place but actually it’s a private space that the owner doesn’t reclaim and he made his installation here. You can see him on this video explaining how this ‚Äúinvalid beach‚Äù began and who contributed to it and what he wants to do with it in the future : mostly collaborations with other streetartists around the world and gathering free art stuff from the steets.

Streetart official site: http://6de.de/(-_-)_1cm.de_(-_-)_streetart.info__-_-.smily.tk_(-_-)/


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