Urban Exploration Montreal

Underground hobby? These guys, Urban Exploration Montreal spend their free time exploring how does Montreal look underneath. Some really nice, hidden treasures are to be seen. Be careful kids, this is not for everyone!

UEM is a small group of urban explorers based in Montreal, Canada. Our particular characteristics such as name or age are not important: the cynosure of our group is a passion for the exploration of urban locations.

We explore because we’ve always been interested in what’s behind closed doors or under manholes. We explore not to steal, or to vandalize, but for the sake of exploring itself. We explore to understand what’s going on beneath the everyday surface of things. In short, we explore because we love this city and care about it – both the new and the old.

We would very much like to promote UE as a legitimate hobby/pastime/way of life, so yes, by all means, explore! Learn about the buildings you walk through and use every day.

(via le blogue de Bandeapart.fm)


  1. There is a some controversy about how UEM represents the urban exploration community and the role they play in the UE community in Montreal. They tend to think they are gods of Urban Exploration. As a serious, experienced explorer (in Montreal, but also all over the world), I tend to think they are a way too serious about the hobby and their egos are a bit too big.
    May I suggest uer.ca and other sites rather than UEM. There are definitely not a reference.

  2. We’re not gods, just humble explorers who’ve been very lucky. It’s unfortunate that in the exploration community, there are those (like the other poster) who are jealous.

    I feel that our site is among the best exploration sites featuring Montreal locations, and well worth a visit. If we have an “attitude” it’s that trespassing is fun, we don’t take it TOO seriously, and we’ll keep doing it as long as we can keep it up.

  3. Ego of people are usually very high when they criticize every body and have not much to show up as a background except bloggy criticism.

    UEM was there at the right time, at the right places. They are just as serious as they like their hobby and don’t preach at people.

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