Music to dance and clap your hands on.
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00:00:00: Long awaited and well deserved, why it took me so long
00:00:18: Bobby Baby, Lads are fun (Drei Farben House “Boy In The Cardigan Remix”)
00:05:33: Plastic Operator, Folder Styrofoam Mix
00:08:38: about how i discovered Plastic Operator
00:12:27: OBADIA, Don’t Forget To Be Late (also check out this link)
00:15:33: Hura Yup, Tokyo blues
00:17:43: about Hura Yup and Obadia
00:24:17: Cut Copy, Saturdays
00:27:46: Ninja High School, Shake it Off
00:30:58: Pictureplane *m-c’s pick of the week* Double sets of lungs (sorry i had to cut it at the end).
Credits to CC for making me discover Bobby Baby and Obadia. Subscribe to this podcast and live happier/s’abonner à ce podcast pour le meilleur et pour le pire via or itunes. Myspace page is here.
MC, I love your podcast! I live between Toronto and Edmonton these days, and I listen yo your show all the time. I really appreciate that it’s bilingual; I’m trying to improve my French, and you have made it a lot easier. I was really sick last night and slept for about half the day yesterday, so I woke up realllly early this morning, and there was your podcast waiting for me! What a wonderful recovery present. By the way, I can’t thank you enough for introducing me to Malajube. I know your survey thing is over, but hearing them on your show made me order a copy of their CD as soon as I could!
Une bien bonne balado, miss… Merci! De très belles Fêtes à toi xx
WOW super comme balado!!Et génial la fonction de pouvoir choisir le chapitre dans Itunes.Meme si j’aime beaucoup entendre ta belle voix,c’est le fun de pouvoir réécouter une toune 🙂 et la trouver super vite grace a cette fonction. Tu est la premiere que je vois/entends a se servir de sa! merci et joyeux Nowel :p
hi mc!
thanks for your “podcast company” 🙂 !