1. That really sucks. The worst-case scenario would be to just take the audio out in real time and into your PowerBook from a mini-to-mini plug. The down side is that it will take 8 hours to have all of the audio transferred over.

  2. You could spend some time looking for an open source solution to your problem. But probably the easiest thing to do would be to use a friend’s Windows box to get the files that you need.

  3. hi! I’m trying to help, here is what I found on google :

    The easy way :

    – If you just bought it see if you can send it back, as you can buy one from Australia that is UMS (works properly with pretty much anything with a USB port). The shipping hurts, but it is worth it…

    The geeky way :


    but both ways look unpleasant 🙁

  4. Find a PC. You are allowed to use those once a year. For emergency reason only. Copy. Then send it back to the store.

  5. Je sais pas si t’as réussi à sortir tes trucs, mais en effet, j’crois que via un PC tu peux t’en servir juste comme un disque dur et donc aller chercher tes vidéos.

    Aussi, sur le mien (qui est pas exactement le même modèle de iRiver) ya moyen de faire un “emergency start” pis ça le connecte comme un disque. Peut-être que ca marche sur Mac aussi.

    Bonne chance!


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