Some national newspaper is doing (yet another) article about podcasting and i need to know the following from my listeners:
1 – Which band(s) did you discovered from my podcast for which you bought something from (cd, itunes, tshirt, show ticket, …)?
2 – Which artist that i played on my show would you say was a life changing experience (ok, or close to be) for you?
You can post your answers as a comment to this post or mail it to me at m-c (at)
I can only imagine how long it takes you to compile all the answers you get…you may want to look for a tool like… 🙂
My answers:
1- none
2- none
Tes podcast m’ont fait acheter 2 CD rĂ©cemment: Bell Orchestre & Caribou (milk of human kindness).
J’aimais bien ‘Pine*am’ mais leur toune demo sur ‘myspace’ m’ont quelque peu déçu.
D’autre Podcast (Andrew Rose IIRC) me donne l’envi d’acheter “Holy Fuck”, mais mon banquier n’est pas d’accord avec toutes ces dĂ©penses!!
1- Caribou, Champion, Kings of Convenience
2- Kings of Convenience, of Montreal, Caribou (pour Champion, j’attends l’album commandĂ© sur Amazon pour prendre le temps de bien absorber l’ambiance)
Pour moi cé Champion pour les deux.
1- Clap Your Hands Say Yeah (bought the CD)
2- I don’t know if a “life changing experience”, but two of the artists/songs you played that i liked the most were CYHSY and Spinto Band, specifically Oh Mandy
1) Nothing i just download.
2) Bell orchestre i love it!
1. Bell Orchestre, bought their cd
2. Haven’t listened long enough to have a life-changing listen yet.
1- Death cab for cutie, Wolf Parade
2- Ton podcast est un changement en lui-meme dans le sens que je pars mon itunes le matin et rempli mon ipod avant d’aller au boulot avec ton dernier podcast. Avant j’ecoutais juste ce qui etait dans ma collection de tounnes.
Bell Orchestre
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah (bought on iTunes)
The Helio Sequence (bought from subPOP)
Death Cab for Cutie (bought on iTunes)
Wolf Parade (bought on iTunes)
2 –
Everyone knows everyone, by The Helio Sequence, became my song of the summer
1 – most recently bought styrofoam, “nothing’s lost” from itunes
2 – postal service (“nothing better” was life changing – the whole cd in fact)
ps) you should find a way to sell music from your site in mp3/m4a format! it such when itunes doesn’t have it
J’ai achetĂ© le CD de “The Bell Orcherstre” grâce Ă toi!
Dans un autre ordre d’idĂ©e, sur Flickr, tu es avec un chien qui s’appel Barfly… j’espère que le pauvre pitou n’a pas Ă©tĂ© nommĂ© en l’honneur du Barfly que je connais:
Lâche pas, j’aime bien tes podcasts, mĂŞme si il est minuit et que tu es complètement crevĂ©e quand tu le fait!!!
stephane : Barfly est le nom d’un petit bar Ă cotĂ© du laika sur st-laurent. On y va pour se dĂ©payser et boire du fort dans une ambiance des plus amicale. On y trouve des spĂ©cimens de tout genres et âges.
Barfly c’est aussi le nom du populaire chien qui lèche la bière rĂ©pandue sur le plancher du Barfly. Il y est presque tout le temps et ma fois, il a l’air heureux!
bon bon.
1- Clap Your Hands Say Yeah and Mission District
2- nothing in particular.
You influence my taste and purchases in music more in person than on your podcast (even though I listen to them regularly!).
P.S. The Barfly dog is called Jinx.
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Three phrases should be among the most common in our daily usage. They are: Thank you, I am grateful and I appreciate.
Three phrases should be among the most common in our daily usage. They are: Thank you, I am grateful and I appreciate.