Women in podcasting

Just as i gave an interview about podcasting this morning, someone pointed me to a Wired article about women in podcasting. Seems like the Portable media expo which took place last week was filled by… men:

“What she found at the conference was a world overwhelmed by male voices and male exhibitors. Malley said she didn’t experience any other incidents she perceived as sexist, but she was nonetheless struck by the dearth of female faces. Just 15 percent of the 2,000 attendees were women (…)

Leighton said he believes the male skew is largely due to the newness of the medium and the fact that many of the most popular podcasts focus on, uh, podcasting.”

Why why why… Are women ‘followers’ in new web technologies? Will this stay like that forever? Looking around, i dont know that much of female podcasters…

1 comment

  1. There are indeed too few female podcasters. But regarding the article, did the ending not just totally get creepy?

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