Islands at Zoobizarre, name dropping episode

Weak souls, please stop reading right now – there wont be any apologies coming from me later.


Islands at Zoobizarre

Ok, you’ll have to face it then. I’ve seen Islands perform tonight for 5$. The place was totally full of people who were not at Bell Orchestre or DFA shows. The crowd included members of Wolf Parade, Arcade Fire and you guess it, all members of Islands were there. Zoobizarre is a one of a kind venue: something like a cave on a second floor, something like a shack close to the city center.

Islands’s performance was far better than the one i’ve seen a month ago as first act for Broken Social Scene – sooo much better, no time to get bored, not a minute to be missed.

I forgot to bring my camera, so i have no pictures besides the ones in my head.

Actually, there were so many pictures taken there tonight, enough to capture each and everyone’s souls. I wonder were is mine. Probably somewhere on flickr. Or ebay.

(Pict by Nika Vee)

Categorized as Music


  1. Islands, y’ont tu un site web, kekchoz?

    C’est comme pas mal toff chercher de l’info sur un band qui s’appelle Islands dans Google

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