Reuters UK about the iPod Video

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Podcasting is on the verge of setting off a video revolution and users of Apple Computer Inc.’s new video iPod can expect a deluge of outspoken commentary, religious sermons and pornography.

Podcasting, a term based on the name for Apple’s portable media player, allows customers to download audio, and now video, segments for free to their computers and portable devices. Radio shows are among the most popular podcasts, but amateurs have helped turn podcasting into an eclectic global phenomenon.

Apple’s video-enabled iPod models, announced on Wednesday, promise to stoke the fervor of home-grown broadcasters.

Read the article here.

1 comment

  1. I think it would have to be the definition of sad – watching porn on a video iPod.

    This iPod is just a stop-gap – apparently there’s a new, full-blown video iPod coming out next year.

    Also the rumour is that a pink, Madonna iPod nano is coming out next month.

    Can I plug my iPod news site: Thanks.

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