to set or keep apart : DISCONNECT, SEVER
to make a distinction between : DISCRIMINATE, DISTINGUISH (separate religion from magic)
SORT (separate mail)
to disperse in space or time : SCATTER (widely separated homesteads)
to set aside for a special purpose : CHOOSE, DEDICATE
to part by a legal separation
to block off : SEGREGATE
to isolate from a mixture : EXTRACT (separate cream from milk)
to divide into constituent parts.
Humans like to classify things, draw lines and put people into boxes with a specific id tags: white-black, men-woman, rich-poor, good-bad, strong-weak, english-french.
Dudes, one thing is sure, we’re all different – but linked. Stop drawing lines.
I’m not trying to draw lines or divide, believe me! I love everybody. Really.
Alex poses questions which in turn stimulate more questions…and in this way we all find out more about each other, and even ourselves, by thinking about things we don’t usually bring up in “polite” conversation, for the reasons Martine mentions.
I think we’re finally at that point where we can point to our cities, provinces and the country and a whole, and say we really have vibrant, distinct homegrown culture(s), as opposed to just saying we’re “not american” or “not canadian” or whatever. We’re moving from a negative definition into something positive, and that’s a good thing!
It would be great indeed to just erase all the lines and definitions and live forever happy, in love and in peace. 😉
Politically, we’re very far from that ideal world. In the meantime, we still need a fair share of couple therapy and for that, there’s nothing like dialogue!
i think we’ll be stronger as we learn to embrace our differences, in canada, in america, on earth, and stop waiting for an ‘ideal’ worl to happen or to be like we think it should be.
there will always be things to discuss (and i dont say ‘debate’ ‘caus i hate this word) so we can grow as a whole – but pointing out our differences continually doesnt help and make me feel like we’re missing the whole thing.
That is what i meant with my post – i wanted to write my thoughts about the topic in here, instead of commenting your blogs, caus i did not wanted to debate on this topic but to express how i felt about it.
Sure, we’re all linked, but that kind of link transcends boundaries. That’s not the issue here.
Canada is ‘se-p(&-)”rAt from other countries. That doesn’t disconnect Canadians from the rest of the world. How about sovereign or autonomous?
There’s a difference between drawing lines and seeing lines. If we’re different, then there are lines to be seen.
Organs are distinct, their cells are different, their functions are different. Yet, they communicate and work together in harmony. Yet, they are interdependent and won’t survive without the others.
The more we become ourselves, the clearer we see that other are becoming themselves, the easier it becomes to embrace our differences.
After all, we all have to become ourselves. And that’s the issue here.