“… women in low- and middle-income nations were found to be more than twice as likely to be involved in early-stage business start-ups as those in high-income nations”
Why this? Are these women better than us at leaving their comfort zone, at handling risk and insecurity?
“In Russia, women were involved in 39.9 percent of all early-stage entrepreneurial activity, while in the Philippines they were involved in 22.5 percent, the study found. That compares to just 2.3 percent in Sweden and 1 percent in Belgium.
Overall, about a third of the world’s entrepreneurial activity is driven by women, the study found.”
Women in Poorer Nations Twice as Likely to Become Entrepreneurs via Girl at Play.
Quand t’as plus rien à perdre…
Alors, est-ce que c’est ca que ca nous prendrait ici pour que les filles que nous sommes soient plus entreprenantes?
Est-ce que la peur de perdre notre confort nous empêche de grandir?