SecondLife cool buys – Sears Catalog for geeks & freaks

Have some money, and time, to spend? You might, as thousands of other people do, want to get into virtual reality and build yourself a new body, id, house, new friends, teleport yourself and fly around in SecondLife.

Here are some of the most funny items which i could be spending my Linden money on – i said funny, so, no genitals or 3 headed bodys for today.

Houses :
what about having a toaster, a guitar, or a cat as a house? (you dont want to know where is the entry door on this last one).

Second Life cool buysSecond Life cool buys
Second Life cool buys

Body :
Feeling like riding a horse? Why not offer your boyfriend this horsemale outfit? Not so into hairy style? The Satyrs is then what you need.

Second Life cool buysSecond Life cool buys

Friends :
Virtuality is cold, soonner or later you’ll need this little puppy to follow you around and make you feel you’re not SO lonely…

Second Life cool buys

All this can be found on the SecondLife boutique. Get it? its like a funky futuristic version of the Sears catalog, made for geeks & freaks.