Gonzales’s performance tonite @ pop montreal was a perfect example of reahmicksing. Re-use a church for a music performance, use a screen to project the image of the artist dressed as a monk, performing remixes of 80’s pop songs on a organ (artist who btw could have been anywhere in the world but in mtl). Add to this the fact that this same artist is performing at the back of the church, in a recluse place where the organism usually playing is not supposed to be seen as being the main act.
All mixed up, but how good.
With barely no interaction with the public, but still, all elements where there to capture our attention. Gonzales’s organism talents are obvious, looking like a child playing on his 4 levels keyboard, experimenting for himself, and for an audience who cant see him. Amen.
Link to the .mov file here, more pictures here. Subscribe to the Vu d’ici – Seen from here Videocast on itunes.
the show tonight rang true that we’re all very very bored people with too much money. thank god (dare i say, cause i think he’s rolled enough for one night) i didn’t pay for my ticket to tonight’s show to watch a guy in a monk outfit play frère jacques, some metallica tune, and the jeopardy jingle on an old pipe organ. i went with some friends to hear some beautiful music, soundscapes, vibrations, but instead i was left (with many others who also walked out early) highly disappointed and somewhat aggravated to be stuck with those tunes in our heads for the rest of the night. bye bye gonzales, not sorry to see you go. bring back the choir director who probably rocked the heavens out of that organ for the past 50 years.